Yu Shan Emily Lau
am 948e7dc0: am e11bafec: Add the test template for the media audio manager test.
Merge commit '948e7dc0ab6f0fae71fa76a438d084928d36569f' into kraken
* commit '948e7dc0ab6f0fae71fa76a438d084928d36569f':
Add the test template for the media audio manager test.
2010-04-01 17:50:53 -07:00
Mike LeBeau
am 2e1cd1cd: am e134279f: Merge "Also send EXTRA_CALLING_PACKAGE for voice search intents that do web search (not just for in-app search). Needed as part of http://b/2546173 " into froyo
Merge commit '2e1cd1cd00527de2a2f259e8b2891bbac0ef4ab1' into kraken
* commit '2e1cd1cd00527de2a2f259e8b2891bbac0ef4ab1':
Also send EXTRA_CALLING_PACKAGE for voice search intents that do web
2010-04-01 17:50:48 -07:00
Yu Shan Emily Lau
am e11bafec: Add the test template for the media audio manager test.
Merge commit 'e11bafec8d6c887c6ae95fa3d39c202859e86d48' into froyo-plus-aosp
* commit 'e11bafec8d6c887c6ae95fa3d39c202859e86d48':
Add the test template for the media audio manager test.
2010-04-01 17:43:27 -07:00
Mike LeBeau
am e134279f: Merge "Also send EXTRA_CALLING_PACKAGE for voice search intents that do web search (not just for in-app search). Needed as part of http://b/2546173 " into froyo
Merge commit 'e134279ffa3d5a3871fd39e9e9328b3ab1fec88d' into froyo-plus-aosp
* commit 'e134279ffa3d5a3871fd39e9e9328b3ab1fec88d':
Also send EXTRA_CALLING_PACKAGE for voice search intents that do web
2010-04-01 17:42:38 -07:00
Mike LeBeau
Merge "Also send EXTRA_CALLING_PACKAGE for voice search intents that do web search (not just for in-app search). Needed as part of http://b/2546173 " into froyo
2010-04-01 15:30:51 -07:00
Gilles Debunne
am 55686d2c: am 83d4eb6c: Merge "Refactor in PositionTesterContextMenuListener." into froyo
Merge commit '55686d2cdaa4e0e1d55a8cdd49dc871107cd54f7' into kraken
* commit '55686d2cdaa4e0e1d55a8cdd49dc871107cd54f7':
Refactor in PositionTesterContextMenuListener.
2010-04-01 14:53:19 -07:00
Gilles Debunne
am 83d4eb6c: Merge "Refactor in PositionTesterContextMenuListener." into froyo
Merge commit '83d4eb6c4fc35bd8ce203edde0051d4def8c2cef' into froyo-plus-aosp
* commit '83d4eb6c4fc35bd8ce203edde0051d4def8c2cef':
Refactor in PositionTesterContextMenuListener.
2010-04-01 14:49:51 -07:00
Gilles Debunne
Merge "Refactor in PositionTesterContextMenuListener." into froyo
2010-04-01 14:47:00 -07:00
Brett Chabot
am dbecc902: am f6118617: Merge "Remove FrameworkTest package." into froyo
Merge commit 'dbecc90220e924fc8c693dd903679e0e9d562820' into kraken
* commit 'dbecc90220e924fc8c693dd903679e0e9d562820':
Remove FrameworkTest package.
2010-04-01 14:44:26 -07:00
Brett Chabot
am f6118617: Merge "Remove FrameworkTest package." into froyo
Merge commit 'f6118617350c0c1541550bf3a558460db562b6a4' into froyo-plus-aosp
* commit 'f6118617350c0c1541550bf3a558460db562b6a4':
Remove FrameworkTest package.
2010-04-01 14:40:43 -07:00
Fred Quintana
am 2aa2f78e: am e8b1971c: Merge "allow null authtokens to invalidateAuthToken" into froyo
Merge commit '2aa2f78ec553993de4cc7a30529e4fd9ce3b9cbc' into kraken
* commit '2aa2f78ec553993de4cc7a30529e4fd9ce3b9cbc':
allow null authtokens to invalidateAuthToken
2010-04-01 14:37:34 -07:00
Brett Chabot
Merge "Remove FrameworkTest package." into froyo
2010-04-01 14:36:36 -07:00
Fred Quintana
am e8b1971c: Merge "allow null authtokens to invalidateAuthToken" into froyo
Merge commit 'e8b1971c7b09f14f2d9a2e12399294798cf2066a' into froyo-plus-aosp
* commit 'e8b1971c7b09f14f2d9a2e12399294798cf2066a':
allow null authtokens to invalidateAuthToken
2010-04-01 14:32:51 -07:00
Fred Quintana
Merge "allow null authtokens to invalidateAuthToken" into froyo
2010-04-01 14:27:00 -07:00
Derek Sollenberger
am 4c932079: am 11fb6144: Match RFC requirement that the domain portion of a cookie should be case-insensitive.
Merge commit '4c93207940aa70b3f777fe14dce1bf580e1b71ba' into kraken
* commit '4c93207940aa70b3f777fe14dce1bf580e1b71ba':
Match RFC requirement that the domain portion of a cookie should be case-insensitive.
2010-04-01 12:10:03 -07:00
Derek Sollenberger
am 11fb6144: Match RFC requirement that the domain portion of a cookie should be case-insensitive.
Merge commit '11fb6144604fbd1148695421e9ab6896701a431b' into froyo-plus-aosp
* commit '11fb6144604fbd1148695421e9ab6896701a431b':
Match RFC requirement that the domain portion of a cookie should be case-insensitive.
2010-04-01 12:06:25 -07:00
Dirk Dougherty
am 865bd884: am 2d8234b7: Merge "doc change: cherry pick 75c66da20927e7e854397c00ef1974140270c57f. (clarify fill_parent/match_parent transition in ViewGroup.LayoutParams and R.attr. Mention match_parent in dev guide "declaring layout" doc.)" into froyo
Merge commit '865bd884e878bbc6d9f5832fda6971c21754b588' into kraken
* commit '865bd884e878bbc6d9f5832fda6971c21754b588':
doc change: cherry pick 75c66da20927e7e854397c00ef1974140270c57f. (clarify fill_parent/match_parent transition in ViewGroup.LayoutParams and R.attr. Mention match_parent in dev guide "declaring layout" doc.)
2010-04-01 10:47:00 -07:00
James Dong
am d12d6c30: am ccc17b34: Merge "Public API changes for CameraProfile and CamcorderProfile classes" into froyo
Merge commit 'd12d6c305caeea556781083152e741bdb3863eff' into kraken
* commit 'd12d6c305caeea556781083152e741bdb3863eff':
Public API changes for CameraProfile and CamcorderProfile classes
2010-04-01 10:46:57 -07:00
Dirk Dougherty
am 2d8234b7: Merge "doc change: cherry pick 75c66da20927e7e854397c00ef1974140270c57f. (clarify fill_parent/match_parent transition in ViewGroup.LayoutParams and R.attr. Mention match_parent in dev guide "declaring layout" doc.)" into froyo
Merge commit '2d8234b73d11fdc2178232cabad3ffaa23723405' into froyo-plus-aosp
* commit '2d8234b73d11fdc2178232cabad3ffaa23723405':
doc change: cherry pick 75c66da20927e7e854397c00ef1974140270c57f. (clarify fill_parent/match_parent transition in ViewGroup.LayoutParams and R.attr. Mention match_parent in dev guide "declaring layout" doc.)
2010-04-01 10:40:15 -07:00
James Dong
am ccc17b34: Merge "Public API changes for CameraProfile and CamcorderProfile classes" into froyo
Merge commit 'ccc17b34fe6f0a6cc4ca86f28663fcf28827d2d4' into froyo-plus-aosp
* commit 'ccc17b34fe6f0a6cc4ca86f28663fcf28827d2d4':
Public API changes for CameraProfile and CamcorderProfile classes
2010-04-01 10:40:11 -07:00
Dirk Dougherty
Merge "doc change: cherry pick 75c66da20927e7e854397c00ef1974140270c57f. (clarify fill_parent/match_parent transition in ViewGroup.LayoutParams and R.attr. Mention match_parent in dev guide "declaring layout" doc.)" into froyo
2010-04-01 10:35:21 -07:00
James Dong
Merge "Public API changes for CameraProfile and CamcorderProfile classes" into froyo
2010-04-01 10:33:45 -07:00
Robert Greenwalt
am cab133a7: am 33eb7767: Merge "NetworkManagementService: Add interface counters & throttle API" into froyo
Merge commit 'cab133a7fa39969f136e3f401f97f6ce843514bb' into kraken
* commit 'cab133a7fa39969f136e3f401f97f6ce843514bb':
NetworkManagementService: Add interface counters & throttle API
2010-04-01 10:27:04 -07:00
Robert Greenwalt
am 33eb7767: Merge "NetworkManagementService: Add interface counters & throttle API" into froyo
Merge commit '33eb7767fb49482643df80c8b5567da83aa0e49f' into froyo-plus-aosp
* commit '33eb7767fb49482643df80c8b5567da83aa0e49f':
NetworkManagementService: Add interface counters & throttle API
2010-04-01 10:22:51 -07:00
Robert Greenwalt
Merge "NetworkManagementService: Add interface counters & throttle API" into froyo
2010-04-01 10:19:57 -07:00
Kristian Monsen
am 4ba57a4e: am 70c22a48: Merge "Fix for bug 2558156: Encodig is null" into froyo
Merge commit '4ba57a4e0ab56126e54d5c7137cfda1d47845578' into kraken
* commit '4ba57a4e0ab56126e54d5c7137cfda1d47845578':
Fix for bug 2558156: Encodig is null
2010-04-01 10:00:08 -07:00
Kristian Monsen
am 70c22a48: Merge "Fix for bug 2558156: Encodig is null" into froyo
Merge commit '70c22a48e605cd59c35ccbbc5eee05b5a30f0a2a' into froyo-plus-aosp
* commit '70c22a48e605cd59c35ccbbc5eee05b5a30f0a2a':
Fix for bug 2558156: Encodig is null
2010-04-01 09:57:12 -07:00
Kristian Monsen
Merge "Fix for bug 2558156: Encodig is null" into froyo
2010-04-01 09:54:47 -07:00
Dave Sparks
am 5100df84: am 49e5a4c5: Update AMR codec.
Merge commit '5100df844c209b93b912917fad3e402e00241210' into kraken
* commit '5100df844c209b93b912917fad3e402e00241210':
Update AMR codec.
2010-04-01 09:51:42 -07:00
Dave Sparks
am 49e5a4c5: Update AMR codec.
Merge commit '49e5a4c5be2e8ba114efff8d0634a34867cb2c26' into froyo-plus-aosp
* commit '49e5a4c5be2e8ba114efff8d0634a34867cb2c26':
Update AMR codec.
2010-04-01 09:47:58 -07:00
Ben Murdoch
am bf691348: am 352cf1a4: Merge changes Ic9531e3c,I3f04433b into froyo
Merge commit 'bf6913481eff68a69d1e6ba312227e2fcea29793' into kraken
* commit 'bf6913481eff68a69d1e6ba312227e2fcea29793':
Cherry pick from master.
Cherry pick from master.
2010-04-01 08:47:58 -07:00
Ben Murdoch
am 352cf1a4: Merge changes Ic9531e3c,I3f04433b into froyo
Merge commit '352cf1a45e26803a466d096ca2d679ea5a3ac249' into froyo-plus-aosp
* commit '352cf1a45e26803a466d096ca2d679ea5a3ac249':
Cherry pick from master.
Cherry pick from master.
2010-04-01 08:44:58 -07:00
Ben Murdoch
Merge changes Ic9531e3c,I3f04433b into froyo
* changes:
Cherry pick from master.
Cherry pick from master.
2010-04-01 08:42:14 -07:00
Grace Kloba
am fe72c533: am 461cef5d: Merge "As we don\'t support over scroll any more, we need to pin the (x,y) if we handle the drag after the plugin choose not to handle the event." into froyo
Merge commit 'fe72c533fe210e147111e0a862360032365dd987' into kraken
* commit 'fe72c533fe210e147111e0a862360032365dd987':
As we don't support over scroll any more, we need
2010-04-01 08:20:48 -07:00
Grace Kloba
am 461cef5d: Merge "As we don\'t support over scroll any more, we need to pin the (x,y) if we handle the drag after the plugin choose not to handle the event." into froyo
Merge commit '461cef5d209fd072c82f6a70eb106e4690b7ef97' into froyo-plus-aosp
* commit '461cef5d209fd072c82f6a70eb106e4690b7ef97':
As we don't support over scroll any more, we need
2010-04-01 08:17:35 -07:00
Grace Kloba
Merge "As we don't support over scroll any more, we need to pin the (x,y) if we handle the drag after the plugin choose not to handle the event." into froyo
2010-04-01 08:15:09 -07:00
Eric Laurent
am 110c432e: am 3fe1708d: Merge "Fix isssue 2548710: Native AudioTrack resources never freed." into froyo
Merge commit '110c432e6c90c604d955b795f91fe08c35f49e60' into kraken
* commit '110c432e6c90c604d955b795f91fe08c35f49e60':
Fix isssue 2548710: Native AudioTrack resources never freed.
2010-03-31 23:39:41 -07:00
Eric Laurent
am 3fe1708d: Merge "Fix isssue 2548710: Native AudioTrack resources never freed." into froyo
Merge commit '3fe1708d9d204fa63e8abe6e434378d89e963752' into froyo-plus-aosp
* commit '3fe1708d9d204fa63e8abe6e434378d89e963752':
Fix isssue 2548710: Native AudioTrack resources never freed.
2010-03-31 23:37:02 -07:00
Eric Laurent
Merge "Fix isssue 2548710: Native AudioTrack resources never freed." into froyo
2010-03-31 23:33:52 -07:00
Dianne Hackborn
am 6ff57ee3: am db3ea3d0: Merge "Fix issue #2529154 Found SurfaceFlinger timeout in logcat when wake up Camcorder" into froyo
Merge commit '6ff57ee310290715c000fd771cd7e18b1537ccbc' into kraken
* commit '6ff57ee310290715c000fd771cd7e18b1537ccbc':
Fix issue #2529154 Found SurfaceFlinger timeout in logcat when wake up Camcorder
2010-03-31 23:23:20 -07:00
Dianne Hackborn
am 2d8d4d7b: am 513ae361: Merge "Fix issue #2560791 : Expose API to go in to car mode." into froyo
Merge commit '2d8d4d7b16b474ef58c86ae9ccd3dc70d7132c23' into kraken
* commit '2d8d4d7b16b474ef58c86ae9ccd3dc70d7132c23':
Fix issue #2560791 : Expose API to go in to car mode.
2010-03-31 23:23:16 -07:00
Dianne Hackborn
am 025f3933: am 686f7911: Merge "Fix issue #2561067 : Screen Display half faded..." into froyo
Merge commit '025f3933cfc21655bfc5a5068c69303f1fe321ee' into kraken
* commit '025f3933cfc21655bfc5a5068c69303f1fe321ee':
Fix issue #2561067 : Screen Display half faded...
2010-03-31 23:23:10 -07:00
Xia Wang
am c2eb4094: am de1b1872: Merge "Test connecitvity manager functionality in state change. * Verify state change when enabling/disabling wifi * Verify network connectivity change while switching among 3G, Wifi, and Airplane mode" into froyo
Merge commit 'c2eb4094d1f62cf6e4f10b0b1f64e64c70a03ea9' into kraken
* commit 'c2eb4094d1f62cf6e4f10b0b1f64e64c70a03ea9':
Test connecitvity manager functionality in state change.
2010-03-31 23:23:06 -07:00
Adam Powell
am 5af7ef60: am 40cd1cf6: Merge "Fix bug 2562240 and clean up scrollbar behavior" into froyo
Merge commit '5af7ef60277060b94604a0b9679bb08a4dc1e731' into kraken
* commit '5af7ef60277060b94604a0b9679bb08a4dc1e731':
Fix bug 2562240 and clean up scrollbar behavior
2010-03-31 23:23:02 -07:00
Suchi Amalapurapu
am 1aa64b53: am ae18171a: Change certificate policy.
Merge commit '1aa64b53eb9b3cc7904705076a015a5cd0e3b536' into kraken
* commit '1aa64b53eb9b3cc7904705076a015a5cd0e3b536':
Change certificate policy.
2010-03-31 23:22:56 -07:00
Jaikumar Ganesh
am b8fc825d: am 3a0d1d11: Merge "Fix crash while turning bluetooth on, due to a race condition." into froyo
Merge commit 'b8fc825dfafd8792a4d9daead9d3d1b4a4b55de5' into kraken
* commit 'b8fc825dfafd8792a4d9daead9d3d1b4a4b55de5':
Fix crash while turning bluetooth on, due to a race condition.
2010-03-31 23:22:51 -07:00
Dianne Hackborn
am db3ea3d0: Merge "Fix issue #2529154 Found SurfaceFlinger timeout in logcat when wake up Camcorder" into froyo
Merge commit 'db3ea3d0064e0aeae350bca5e548e67f50f06982' into froyo-plus-aosp
* commit 'db3ea3d0064e0aeae350bca5e548e67f50f06982':
Fix issue #2529154 Found SurfaceFlinger timeout in logcat when wake up Camcorder
2010-03-31 23:18:32 -07:00
Dianne Hackborn
am 513ae361: Merge "Fix issue #2560791 : Expose API to go in to car mode." into froyo
Merge commit '513ae3610e5d6eac3af71c3e51a4e5e8b55b5256' into froyo-plus-aosp
* commit '513ae3610e5d6eac3af71c3e51a4e5e8b55b5256':
Fix issue #2560791 : Expose API to go in to car mode.
2010-03-31 23:18:28 -07:00
Dianne Hackborn
am 686f7911: Merge "Fix issue #2561067 : Screen Display half faded..." into froyo
Merge commit '686f7911a3462d6847d2a9396572eaaf04a9f175' into froyo-plus-aosp
* commit '686f7911a3462d6847d2a9396572eaaf04a9f175':
Fix issue #2561067 : Screen Display half faded...
2010-03-31 23:18:24 -07:00
Xia Wang
am de1b1872: Merge "Test connecitvity manager functionality in state change. * Verify state change when enabling/disabling wifi * Verify network connectivity change while switching among 3G, Wifi, and Airplane mode" into froyo
Merge commit 'de1b1872b33495da0bcd4c29ffeb3783fa7702e9' into froyo-plus-aosp
* commit 'de1b1872b33495da0bcd4c29ffeb3783fa7702e9':
Test connecitvity manager functionality in state change.
2010-03-31 23:18:21 -07:00