Dianne Hackborn
am de2722af: Merge "Package manager optimizations." into froyo
Merge commit 'de2722af35d7bd0dc19478f6dbe8b0ff329b3fa8' into froyo-plus-aosp
* commit 'de2722af35d7bd0dc19478f6dbe8b0ff329b3fa8':
Package manager optimizations.
2010-03-30 13:40:24 -07:00
Dianne Hackborn
Merge "Package manager optimizations." into froyo
2010-03-30 13:35:33 -07:00
Andreas Huber
am 8899186b: Merge "Timeout on socket recv calls after 5secs, retry connection also if server unexpectedly closed the connection on its end and we know that there should\'ve been more data available." into froyo
Merge commit '8899186b60bcbfa783217a0f773e4cd032911f3c' into froyo-plus-aosp
* commit '8899186b60bcbfa783217a0f773e4cd032911f3c':
Timeout on socket recv calls after 5secs, retry connection also if server unexpectedly closed the connection on its end and we know that there should've been more data available.
2010-03-30 13:34:39 -07:00
Andreas Huber
Merge "Timeout on socket recv calls after 5secs, retry connection also if server unexpectedly closed the connection on its end and we know that there should've been more data available." into froyo
2010-03-30 13:31:57 -07:00
Christopher Tate
am 22375e4a: Merge "Make RestoreSession.getAvailableRestoreSets() asynchronous" into froyo
Merge commit '22375e4a736c0d646c3cf0905c15126f7f4107c2' into froyo-plus-aosp
* commit '22375e4a736c0d646c3cf0905c15126f7f4107c2':
Make RestoreSession.getAvailableRestoreSets() asynchronous
2010-03-30 13:13:52 -07:00
Christopher Tate
Merge "Make RestoreSession.getAvailableRestoreSets() asynchronous" into froyo
2010-03-30 13:09:50 -07:00
Daniel Sandler
am a7035909: Remove logspew.
Merge commit 'a7035909453c9980a5f8547f5090c70c4281156c' into froyo-plus-aosp
* commit 'a7035909453c9980a5f8547f5090c70c4281156c':
Remove logspew.
2010-03-30 12:53:28 -07:00
Patrick Scott
am ae405d56: Merge "Fix a simple logic mistake." into froyo
Merge commit 'ae405d56215e4ab43e8210b66e741a0bf9d5edcf' into froyo-plus-aosp
* commit 'ae405d56215e4ab43e8210b66e741a0bf9d5edcf':
Fix a simple logic mistake.
2010-03-30 11:45:55 -07:00
Patrick Scott
Merge "Fix a simple logic mistake." into froyo
2010-03-30 11:41:29 -07:00
Jean-Michel Trivi
am 2a5d9f9b: Fix bug 2553592 API REVIEW: android.speech Change 1 of 4 Notes from API Council review: Rename RecognitionManager to SpeechRecognizer
Merge commit '2a5d9f9b577376768372837723f0f42098aba13b' into froyo-plus-aosp
* commit '2a5d9f9b577376768372837723f0f42098aba13b':
Fix bug 2553592 API REVIEW: android.speech
2010-03-30 11:20:32 -07:00
San Mehat
am d4610977: Merge "framework: Hide StorageManager for froyo - DO NOT MERGE" into froyo
Merge commit 'd4610977d9217cbd70dd59f61914c74d1ca61036' into froyo-plus-aosp
* commit 'd4610977d9217cbd70dd59f61914c74d1ca61036':
framework: Hide StorageManager for froyo - DO NOT MERGE
2010-03-30 10:39:36 -07:00
San Mehat
Merge "framework: Hide StorageManager for froyo - DO NOT MERGE" into froyo
2010-03-30 10:35:44 -07:00
Jaikumar Ganesh
am 0e090309: Relax the requirement of making a DBUS call for creating the Bluez Device.
Merge commit '0e09030977aea8b40fd177139528d4b5637c9771' into froyo-plus-aosp
* commit '0e09030977aea8b40fd177139528d4b5637c9771':
Relax the requirement of making a DBUS call for creating the Bluez Device.
2010-03-30 10:30:48 -07:00
Kenny Root
am 7a17f0c0: Merge "Import revised translations" into froyo
Merge commit '7a17f0c04e0d09d003e6842f9af1d7cd0efc198f' into froyo-plus-aosp
* commit '7a17f0c04e0d09d003e6842f9af1d7cd0efc198f':
Import revised translations
2010-03-30 09:27:15 -07:00
Kenny Root
Merge "Import revised translations" into froyo
2010-03-30 09:23:16 -07:00
Bjorn Bringert
am fef8cebc: Clean up SearchableInfo API, JavaDoc and formatting
Merge commit 'fef8cebcdcf0cbd4a0dafba87e33e3b500fb1321' into froyo-plus-aosp
* commit 'fef8cebcdcf0cbd4a0dafba87e33e3b500fb1321':
Clean up SearchableInfo API, JavaDoc and formatting
2010-03-30 03:59:36 -07:00
Dianne Hackborn
am e2522466: Fix issue #2547337 : switching night modes
Merge commit 'e2522466552f9c6b7fcea866709710f53aa1f2a8' into froyo-plus-aosp
* commit 'e2522466552f9c6b7fcea866709710f53aa1f2a8':
Fix issue #2547337 : switching night modes
2010-03-29 21:19:39 -07:00
Dianne Hackborn
am ad5499dd: Hopefully get rid of some ANRs.
Merge commit 'ad5499dd204a1512471778462a805a288595f2f2' into froyo-plus-aosp
* commit 'ad5499dd204a1512471778462a805a288595f2f2':
Hopefully get rid of some ANRs.
2010-03-29 21:19:36 -07:00
Adam Powell
am 9d32d24d: Remove overscrolling
Merge commit '9d32d24dbd8a015c9d5c44ed4901d5a666eb8e7f' into froyo-plus-aosp
* commit '9d32d24dbd8a015c9d5c44ed4901d5a666eb8e7f':
Remove overscrolling
2010-03-29 21:02:47 -07:00
Oscar Montemayor
am f5f30067: Merge "DO NOT MERGE Removing unused features from source tree. Please refer to Bug#2502219." into froyo
Merge commit 'f5f300678abb79574bb56eee13c8dd2b7b98b740' into froyo-plus-aosp
* commit 'f5f300678abb79574bb56eee13c8dd2b7b98b740':
2010-03-29 19:01:16 -07:00
Oscar Montemayor
Merge "DO NOT MERGE Removing unused features from source tree. Please refer to Bug#2502219." into froyo
2010-03-29 18:56:57 -07:00
Charles Chen
am a599dafe: Merge "Fix for bug 2548048 - it was impossible for applications to discover if their TTS settings were being overridden by the user or not." into froyo
Merge commit 'a599dafe4ffc3e6cc4953a7e3d33f4da80aabf45' into froyo-plus-aosp
* commit 'a599dafe4ffc3e6cc4953a7e3d33f4da80aabf45':
Fix for bug 2548048 - it was impossible for applications to discover
2010-03-29 18:41:48 -07:00
Charles Chen
Merge "Fix for bug 2548048 - it was impossible for applications to discover if their TTS settings were being overridden by the user or not." into froyo
2010-03-29 18:37:41 -07:00
Amith Yamasani
am 8c6af52f: Merge "Fix preloaded classes for API rename of BackupAgentHelper" into froyo
Merge commit '8c6af52fdd572e19cd40a0be53615eb6c80ccde5' into froyo-plus-aosp
* commit '8c6af52fdd572e19cd40a0be53615eb6c80ccde5':
Fix preloaded classes for API rename of BackupAgentHelper
2010-03-29 18:28:14 -07:00
Amith Yamasani
Merge "Fix preloaded classes for API rename of BackupAgentHelper" into froyo
2010-03-29 18:24:59 -07:00
Oscar Montemayor
Removing unused features from source tree.
Please refer to Bug#2502219.
Change-Id: I879c29bfd5ffe933f64bb1082aaae7c956450a5a
2010-03-29 18:12:24 -07:00
Joe Onorato
am 59fc58dc: fix the build
Merge commit '59fc58dc3f164e33a96aee09505fac5818747cb6' into froyo-plus-aosp
* commit '59fc58dc3f164e33a96aee09505fac5818747cb6':
fix the build
2010-03-29 18:10:09 -07:00
Romain Guy
am 691b806f: Merge "Fix possible security issue. Bug #2553187 " into froyo
Merge commit '691b806ff8b4a6428588e8495cb1a5819a0aee99' into froyo-plus-aosp
* commit '691b806ff8b4a6428588e8495cb1a5819a0aee99':
Fix possible security issue.
2010-03-29 16:34:46 -07:00
Romain Guy
Merge "Fix possible security issue. Bug #2553187 " into froyo
2010-03-29 16:31:14 -07:00
Ben Cheng
am ef3f5ddc: Replace "safeMode" with a more specific name "vmSafeMode" in the public API.
Merge commit 'ef3f5ddc2137ed99e41f00441b688fb56b855179' into froyo-plus-aosp
* commit 'ef3f5ddc2137ed99e41f00441b688fb56b855179':
Replace "safeMode" with a more specific name "vmSafeMode" in the public API.
2010-03-29 16:25:13 -07:00
Steve Howard
am 8deb2391: Merge "Remove upside-down portrait orientation." into froyo
Merge commit '8deb239169f9b60cf19b6f4293978e654fa15a03' into froyo-plus-aosp
* commit '8deb239169f9b60cf19b6f4293978e654fa15a03':
Remove upside-down portrait orientation.
2010-03-29 16:25:09 -07:00
Steve Howard
Merge "Remove upside-down portrait orientation." into froyo
2010-03-29 16:05:35 -07:00
Christopher Tate
am 3f264c4f: Merge "API CHANGE: rename BackupHelperAgent => BackupAgentHelper per API Council" into froyo
Merge commit '3f264c4fba416f55247da3fafd6afbe55bf93598' into froyo-plus-aosp
* commit '3f264c4fba416f55247da3fafd6afbe55bf93598':
API CHANGE: rename BackupHelperAgent => BackupAgentHelper per API Council
2010-03-29 15:53:54 -07:00
Mathias Agopian
am a019df87: Merge "Fix Android\'s glEGLImageTargetRenderbufferOES() wrapper" into froyo
Merge commit 'a019df875d991ce61c93720f37c036655723f5f6' into froyo-plus-aosp
* commit 'a019df875d991ce61c93720f37c036655723f5f6':
Fix Android's glEGLImageTargetRenderbufferOES() wrapper
2010-03-29 15:53:48 -07:00
Mathias Agopian
am 04fdd180: Merge "fix [2542425] memory leak during video recording" into froyo
Merge commit '04fdd180cc64f2724c8b8598f1b8495fb1fa1d93' into froyo-plus-aosp
* commit '04fdd180cc64f2724c8b8598f1b8495fb1fa1d93':
fix [2542425] memory leak during video recording
2010-03-29 15:53:44 -07:00
Christopher Tate
Merge "API CHANGE: rename BackupHelperAgent => BackupAgentHelper per API Council" into froyo
2010-03-29 15:50:57 -07:00
Mathias Agopian
Merge "Fix Android's glEGLImageTargetRenderbufferOES() wrapper" into froyo
2010-03-29 15:44:48 -07:00
Mathias Agopian
Merge "fix [2542425] memory leak during video recording" into froyo
2010-03-29 15:44:33 -07:00
Dirk Dougherty
am c46f28dc: Merge "doc change: In fundamentals doc, make statement about synchronous execution of RPC less strict. Indicate that FLAG_ONEWAY applies only across processes." into froyo
Merge commit 'c46f28dc0fde1889b37bdc7066ec2af96c16e358' into froyo-plus-aosp
* commit 'c46f28dc0fde1889b37bdc7066ec2af96c16e358':
doc change: In fundamentals doc, make statement about synchronous execution of RPC less strict. Indicate that FLAG_ONEWAY applies only across processes.
2010-03-29 15:39:56 -07:00
Andreas Huber
am 02a1f789: Merge "Limit the total amount of ID3 metadata to something (un-)reasonable: 3MB." into froyo
Merge commit '02a1f78987a1e6bfa361806fcd3b0a02783b09b9' into froyo-plus-aosp
* commit '02a1f78987a1e6bfa361806fcd3b0a02783b09b9':
Limit the total amount of ID3 metadata to something (un-)reasonable: 3MB.
2010-03-29 15:39:53 -07:00
Dirk Dougherty
Merge "doc change: In fundamentals doc, make statement about synchronous execution of RPC less strict. Indicate that FLAG_ONEWAY applies only across processes." into froyo
2010-03-29 15:36:53 -07:00
Andreas Huber
Merge "Limit the total amount of ID3 metadata to something (un-)reasonable: 3MB." into froyo
2010-03-29 15:16:20 -07:00
Mathias Agopian
Fix Android's glEGLImageTargetRenderbufferOES() wrapper
glEGLImageTargetRenderbufferOES() pass the wrapped EGLImage
to the implementation, rather than the unwrapped one.
Change-Id: I149f9ed73e6ab9089110600e1db4311ba7a8c83a
2010-03-29 15:12:19 -07:00
Jim Miller
am c6dc5070: Merge "Fix 2537999: Don\'t throw exception when SlidingTab has UNSPECIFIED specs" into froyo
Merge commit 'c6dc5070ef663e514add038b1d2e78761156b0c0' into froyo-plus-aosp
* commit 'c6dc5070ef663e514add038b1d2e78761156b0c0':
Fix 2537999: Don't throw exception when SlidingTab has UNSPECIFIED specs
2010-03-29 15:11:01 -07:00
Jim Miller
Merge "Fix 2537999: Don't throw exception when SlidingTab has UNSPECIFIED specs" into froyo
2010-03-29 15:07:06 -07:00
Romain Guy
am 89d4e2dd: Fix the buid!
Merge commit '89d4e2dd7888913d3eb1f4f669bd756a3b85f2c1' into froyo-plus-aosp
* commit '89d4e2dd7888913d3eb1f4f669bd756a3b85f2c1':
Fix the buid!
2010-03-29 15:05:05 -07:00
Romain Guy
am 6b1e6969: Rename tab widget attributes, remove scroll barrier constant. Bug #2553515 #2553595
Merge commit '6b1e6969828f05a2f5f55825fdf16b19c9dce2dd' into froyo-plus-aosp
* commit '6b1e6969828f05a2f5f55825fdf16b19c9dce2dd':
Rename tab widget attributes, remove scroll barrier constant.
2010-03-29 14:49:09 -07:00
Doug Zongker
am ab69e29c: relocate android.util.base64.* -> android.util.*
Merge commit 'ab69e29c1927bdc6143324eba5ccd78f7c43128d' into froyo-plus-aosp
* commit 'ab69e29c1927bdc6143324eba5ccd78f7c43128d':
relocate android.util.base64.* -> android.util.*
2010-03-29 14:00:58 -07:00
Mathias Agopian
fix [2542425] memory leak during video recording
Vector::sort() is using _do_copy() incorrectly; _do_copy() calls the
copy constructor, not the assignment operator, so we need to destroy
the "destination" before copying the item.
Change-Id: Iaeeac808fa5341a7d219edeba4aa63d44f31473c
2010-03-29 13:45:18 -07:00
Romain Guy
am 272b504e: Merge "Tame the monkey. Bug #2547546 " into froyo
Merge commit '272b504ee6aaf2515572520cd642f9a4fbf81a44' into froyo-plus-aosp
* commit '272b504ee6aaf2515572520cd642f9a4fbf81a44':
Tame the monkey.
2010-03-29 13:06:20 -07:00