Kenny Root
resolved conflicts for merge of b0903104 to master
Change-Id: Iff20980c44d42b41ae411c4201e0927cee19d415
2010-01-28 12:03:49 -08:00
Andreas Huber
API Extension: Support for optionally specifying a map of extra request headers when specifying the uri of media data to be played.
related-to-bug: 2393577
Original change by Andrei Popescu <>
2010-01-28 11:52:43 -08:00
Dirk Dougherty
am 97ca28cd: am 5d14cb34: Merge "doc change: add announce for developer lab at mwc. move adc to carousel." into eclair
Merge commit '97ca28cdd9b12e1c9e9ae57967010b60e61d6bf9'
* commit '97ca28cdd9b12e1c9e9ae57967010b60e61d6bf9':
doc change: add announce for developer lab at mwc. move adc to carousel.
2010-01-28 10:48:15 -08:00
John Wang
am 89fec7b1: am 098295a5: Merge "Updated emergency string when locale changes." into eclair
Merge commit '89fec7b155981d6e99eb1e05793f343a5d04aa59'
* commit '89fec7b155981d6e99eb1e05793f343a5d04aa59':
Updated emergency string when locale changes.
2010-01-28 10:47:27 -08:00
Grace Kloba
am 4f01c927: (-s ours) am 5ff24d5d: DO NOT MERGE
Merge commit '4f01c927503401d560cb4f209b7d9a723c32e8cb'
* commit '4f01c927503401d560cb4f209b7d9a723c32e8cb':
2010-01-28 10:47:15 -08:00
Eric Laurent
am 131c5e08: am a59551ba: Merge "Fix issue 2388215: Audio not routed to 3.5mm Headset after removal/insertion." into eclair
Merge commit '131c5e0867d542788cf2dab23b17f2f8cc3d0391'
* commit '131c5e0867d542788cf2dab23b17f2f8cc3d0391':
Fix issue 2388215: Audio not routed to 3.5mm Headset after removal/insertion.
2010-01-28 10:09:09 -08:00
John Wang
am 64c92f75: am 08cb0024: Handle emergency calls only status in ServiceStateTracker.
Merge commit '64c92f75df7415084aa9f0b304f2a99089b6be9f'
* commit '64c92f75df7415084aa9f0b304f2a99089b6be9f':
Handle emergency calls only status in ServiceStateTracker.
2010-01-28 10:08:55 -08:00
Grace Kloba
Merge "Need to check parent for performLongClick() as it is the result of a delayed message."
2010-01-28 09:14:52 -08:00
Patrick Scott
Merge "First pass at the url rendering service."
2010-01-28 08:32:43 -08:00
Andy McFadden
Merge "Add streaming method profiling support."
2010-01-28 07:27:32 -08:00
San Mehat
Merge "Remove destroy asec command when mounting secure container"
2010-01-28 06:50:18 -08:00
Jack Palevich
Implement the GL11ExtensionPack APIs.
2010-01-28 20:28:32 +08:00
Jacek Surazski
Merge "timestamp field in ApplicationErrorReport was not getting intitialized on ANRs"
2010-01-28 00:09:56 -08:00
Romain Guy
Merge "Added OverScroller and overscroll effects for ScrollView and HorizontalScrollView."
2010-01-27 22:00:44 -08:00
Fred Quintana
am 6f3e1e27: am 9a400fa4: Merge "initialize sync adapters that get installed while the system is running bug http://b/issue?id=2360782 " into eclair
Merge commit '6f3e1e27a697d3e64bf73792c1007135319ff0d5'
* commit '6f3e1e27a697d3e64bf73792c1007135319ff0d5':
initialize sync adapters that get installed while the system is running
2010-01-27 18:40:11 -08:00
am 3c2d3667: am 036e2108: Fix NPE when importing from USIM.
Merge commit '3c2d3667aa7ae20c95950270ccfa8932d1d3d32d'
* commit '3c2d3667aa7ae20c95950270ccfa8932d1d3d32d':
Fix NPE when importing from USIM.
2010-01-27 18:39:58 -08:00
Yu Shan Emily Lau
am 47f1d4d5: am b1780474: Merge "Instead of caputre the memory footprint before and after the test. We would like to monitor the memory trend while the test is running. This can eliminate the overhead for the frist test case in creating the player." into eclair
Merge commit '47f1d4d509b271ddb2f158c761e572413f39f1a8'
* commit '47f1d4d509b271ddb2f158c761e572413f39f1a8':
Instead of caputre the memory footprint before and after the test. We would like to monitor the memory trend while the test is running. This can eliminate the overhead for the frist test case in creating the player.
2010-01-27 17:27:41 -08:00
Eric Fischer
am ad0e5363: am 50adb167: Pull in "emergency calls only" translations.
Merge commit 'ad0e53635571066e7928e30a4a669067fff6a382'
* commit 'ad0e53635571066e7928e30a4a669067fff6a382':
Pull in "emergency calls only" translations.
2010-01-27 17:27:23 -08:00
John Wang
am 97fdd0ab: am 7f70998d: Merge "Add Emergency Calls Only String." into eclair
Merge commit '97fdd0aba93f7c609c1194edf636805ff70e4918'
* commit '97fdd0aba93f7c609c1194edf636805ff70e4918':
Add Emergency Calls Only String.
2010-01-27 17:26:40 -08:00
Wei Huang
am 29bc7270: am 495bae67: Merge "fix bug 2264186: clean up the outstanding async queries in ContactHeaderWidget." into eclair
Merge commit '29bc7270ec2fd54707326eeee556be2fd4d86ca3'
* commit '29bc7270ec2fd54707326eeee556be2fd4d86ca3':
fix bug 2264186: clean up the outstanding async queries in ContactHeaderWidget.
2010-01-27 16:29:10 -08:00
Andreas Huber
Merge "Fix http streaming for shoutcast servers that do not support http ranges."
2010-01-27 16:25:05 -08:00
Romain Guy
resolved conflicts for merge of 176a88ff to master
2010-01-27 16:20:49 -08:00
Romain Guy
Merge "New View.dispatchDisplayHint() API. Bug #2399147 "
2010-01-27 15:54:06 -08:00
Ying Wang
am 6efe03b1: am 6f9e2c64: Merge "Find layout classes in all "layout-*" dirs." into eclair
Merge commit '6efe03b19e0734361b262f9a0be4d225088d7f9e'
* commit '6efe03b19e0734361b262f9a0be4d225088d7f9e':
Find layout classes in all "layout-*" dirs.
2010-01-27 15:53:20 -08:00
Owen Lin
Merge "Revert I3fdda2588a7c612d7c9cfb4f25d9aedd1d609162 which open two functions in preference manager."
2010-01-27 15:48:26 -08:00
Suchi Amalapurapu
Merge "Add asec permission to DefaultContainerService"
2010-01-27 15:46:32 -08:00
Neal Nguyen
Merge "Phase 2 of test file cleanup: relocating test files from FrameworkTest closer to their sources in core."
2010-01-27 15:33:31 -08:00
Dan Egnor
Merge "Report tombstone (native crash) data to the dropbox."
2010-01-27 15:06:06 -08:00
Jason Sams
Merge "Fix some minor bugs with GL state setup that were exposed by Droids driver."
2010-01-27 14:48:29 -08:00
Eric Laurent
Merge "Fix issue 2285561: New AudioFlinger and audio driver API needed for A/V sync"
2010-01-27 14:21:20 -08:00
Neal Nguyen
Merge "Moving framework core tests closer to their source files."
2010-01-27 14:03:34 -08:00
Grace Kloba
Merge "Add request header support for the Browser/WebView. QSB can use this instead of POST to send the location data. After QSB makes the switch, we should also remove the POST_DATA intent which is hidden."
2010-01-27 13:41:39 -08:00
Andreas Huber
Merge "Attempt to fix the build ... again."
2010-01-27 13:31:36 -08:00
Elliott Hughes
Merge "Remove about-to-be-renamed class from preload list."
2010-01-27 13:23:45 -08:00
Andreas Huber
Merge "Do not hold onto the master lock while reading data from the datasource. This would prevent consumers from reading cached data immediately if it is available."
2010-01-27 13:12:58 -08:00
Ken Shirriff
Merge "Fix ExtendedProperties EntityIterator."
2010-01-27 13:08:01 -08:00
Amith Yamasani
Merge "Move Search dialog out of system process into current activity."
2010-01-27 12:45:23 -08:00
Grace Kloba
am 769ed21c: Fix http://b/issue?id=2400423 .
Merge commit '769ed21c33c3629411eb3bbf924de45737a18067' into eclair-plus-aosp
* commit '769ed21c33c3629411eb3bbf924de45737a18067':
Fix http://b/issue?id=2400423 .
2010-01-27 12:30:19 -08:00
Vasu Nori
Merge "dont use sqlite_stmt_journals dir"
2010-01-27 12:10:56 -08:00
Suchi Amalapurapu
Merge "AppsOnSd feature - Add default container"
2010-01-27 10:40:26 -08:00
Yu Shan Emily Lau
Merge "Add the new golden thumbnail image as the PV and stagefright implementations in capturing thumbnail is different."
2010-01-27 10:28:51 -08:00
Doug Zongker
Merge "update javadoc for Settings.Secure.ANDROID_ID"
2010-01-27 09:40:23 -08:00
Evan Millar
Merge "b/2383073 Add fine-grained status codes for failed downloads."
2010-01-27 09:26:24 -08:00
Andreas Huber
Merge "Better support for HTTP streaming media content, fixes to the way HTTPDataSource streams the data, prefetcher implementation."
2010-01-27 09:24:43 -08:00
Chih-Chung Chang
Merge "Add support for setting camera display orientation."
2010-01-27 09:20:19 -08:00
Wei-Ta Chen
Merge "Add a Java API that converts yuv data to a jpeg."
2010-01-26 20:23:22 -08:00
Dan Egnor
Merge changes Iea11654e,I2242da5a,I66c40e73
* changes:
Use six dashes instead of five.
Include more verbose device information with kernel dumps (hardware, bootloader, etc.), and separate the device info headers from the actual dump with a blank line.
Add package information to dropbox reports for ANR, crash, etc. (Notably including package version codes, to help when we're shipping out-of-cycle unbundled app updates.)
2010-01-26 20:05:20 -08:00
Eric Laurent
Fix issue 2285561: New AudioFlinger and audio driver API needed for A/V sync
Added getRenderPosition() API to IAudioFlinger to retreive number of audio frames
written by AudioFlinger to audio HAL and by DSP to DAC.
Added getRenderPosition() API to AudioHardwareInterface to retreive number of audio frames
written by DSP to DAC.
Exposed AudioTrack::getPosition() to AudioSink() to make it available to media player.
Removed excessive log in AudioHardwareGeneric.
2010-01-26 18:40:39 -08:00
Dirk Dougherty
am 965f4a6b: Merge "doc change only: Update announcement and mwc redirect to point to microsite." into eclair
Merge commit '965f4a6b4b5f3dd71e70f427af0c8a902e5880ef' into eclair-plus-aosp
* commit '965f4a6b4b5f3dd71e70f427af0c8a902e5880ef':
doc change only: Update announcement and mwc redirect to point to microsite.
2010-01-26 18:05:23 -08:00
Dirk Dougherty
Merge "doc change only: Update announcement and mwc redirect to point to microsite." into eclair
2010-01-26 18:00:29 -08:00