Scott Main
am 2a959725: am d32aeafc: am 432fbcc5: docs: enforce alphanumeric strings for video id to prevent XSS bug 4399806
* commit '2a959725f569147878b3a78fae77e8679c8e16fa':
docs: enforce alphanumeric strings for video id to prevent XSS bug 4399806
2011-05-13 11:01:25 -07:00
Scott Main
am 78b875e7: am edab852f: Merge "docs: update uses-feature doc with USB features, add TOC at the top and revise some other stuff" into honeycomb-mr1
* commit '78b875e7e65ee90e44872d6542c5eb4213ba0dfb':
docs: update uses-feature doc with USB features, add TOC at the top and revise some other stuff
2011-05-13 11:00:27 -07:00
Scott Main
am d32aeafc: am 432fbcc5: docs: enforce alphanumeric strings for video id to prevent XSS bug 4399806
* commit 'd32aeafc41b018b7efbddd1b90e17424bf1cf1e7':
docs: enforce alphanumeric strings for video id to prevent XSS bug 4399806
2011-05-13 10:58:29 -07:00
Scott Main
am edab852f: Merge "docs: update uses-feature doc with USB features, add TOC at the top and revise some other stuff" into honeycomb-mr1
* commit 'edab852fe11f12ad5a0a66f79462ed7474ba9e5a':
docs: update uses-feature doc with USB features, add TOC at the top and revise some other stuff
2011-05-13 10:56:52 -07:00
Scott Main
am 432fbcc5: docs: enforce alphanumeric strings for video id to prevent XSS bug 4399806
* commit '432fbcc55ff3e0900a50b70b9d5dbdab77a276f7':
docs: enforce alphanumeric strings for video id to prevent XSS bug 4399806
2011-05-13 10:55:09 -07:00
Scott Main
Merge "docs: update uses-feature doc with USB features, add TOC at the top and revise some other stuff" into honeycomb-mr1
2011-05-13 10:54:00 -07:00
Wink Saville
am 55ab1ac2: Merge "Add getLteOnCdamMode." into honeycomb-LTE
* commit '55ab1ac27f0e5ba6169e38b9ced197a9ff588f2b':
Add getLteOnCdamMode.
2011-05-13 09:20:08 -07:00
Wink Saville
Merge "Add getLteOnCdamMode." into honeycomb-LTE
2011-05-13 09:09:43 -07:00
Dianne Hackborn
DO NOT MERGE. Integrate add new screen width/height in "dp" configs.
You can now specify resource configuration variants "wNNNdp"
and "hNNNdp". These are the minimum screen width/height in "dp"
units. This allows you to do things like have your app adjust
its layout based only on the about of horizontal space available.
This introduces a new configuration change flag for screen size.
Note that this configuration change happens each time the orientation
changes. Applications often say they handle the orientation change
to avoid being restarted at a screen rotation, and this will now
cause them to be restarted. To address this, we assume the app can
handle this new config change if its target SDK version is < ICS.
Change-Id: I4acb73d82677b74092c1da9e4046a4951921f9f4
2011-05-12 18:39:51 -07:00
Dianne Hackborn
am d46849a5: am a8138732: MR2 is going to be API 13.
* commit 'd46849a535ab64fd47fc8e9c557ca5f4da9e977b':
MR2 is going to be API 13.
2011-05-12 17:39:30 -07:00
Dianne Hackborn
am 51454295: am df9799f0: Fix build.
* commit '51454295a5813627a91dd5cf6b486a70a0b389cb':
Fix build.
2011-05-12 17:39:22 -07:00
Irfan Sheriff
am 2cd423a0: Merge commit \'01ea7f01\' into manualmerge1
* commit '2cd423a049aeeb0c07f7a556f3a6f701b504606f':
DO NOT MERGE Add DhcpStateMachine
2011-05-12 17:37:06 -07:00
Dianne Hackborn
am a8138732: MR2 is going to be API 13.
* commit 'a8138732a01b92f0a40f72050b74a3bd4cf6d215':
MR2 is going to be API 13.
2011-05-12 17:35:35 -07:00
Dianne Hackborn
am df9799f0: Fix build.
* commit 'df9799f0fc3ef04d9b004ebbda44883f85321b24':
Fix build.
2011-05-12 17:35:20 -07:00
Irfan Sheriff
Merge commit '01ea7f01' into manualmerge1
2011-05-12 17:19:56 -07:00
Irfan Sheriff
am bb09485b: Merge commit \'09564fbb\' into manualmerge
* commit 'bb09485bcb36a2d5cf4d7760bfd89807bb3be573':
DO NOT MERGE Define Protocol class
2011-05-12 16:02:43 -07:00
Jean-Baptiste Queru
am 2d7d3f78: (-s ours) am f247e545: Merge "Adapt to latest skia"
* commit '2d7d3f78c90734c8067ab76b8f5daca84a311c92':
Adapt to latest skia
2011-05-12 15:54:13 -07:00
Jean-Baptiste Queru
am a84d29cb: am 6714e677: Merge "Ninepatch tweaks for better interop"
* commit 'a84d29cb0494310e9472884c7a459603eb305e38':
Ninepatch tweaks for better interop
2011-05-12 15:52:16 -07:00
Jean-Baptiste Queru
am 20fd3f0d: am 4770c79c: Merge "Tweak audio APIs for better forward/backward/sideways compatibility."
* commit '20fd3f0d83d4665a6ac33a10f4a48a0f6f159068':
Tweak audio APIs for better forward/backward/sideways compatibility.
2011-05-12 15:52:12 -07:00
Jean-Baptiste Queru
am e8b669cb: (-s ours) am 71d25778: Merge "Switch to SkSafeUnref for better portability"
* commit 'e8b669cbd7b690349c908ce6c9ce3b342139de04':
Switch to SkSafeUnref for better portability
2011-05-12 15:52:03 -07:00
Irfan Sheriff
Merge commit '09564fbb' into manualmerge
2011-05-12 15:47:28 -07:00
Jean-Baptiste Queru
am f247e545: Merge "Adapt to latest skia"
* commit 'f247e545b521584bb778e79710c1e60ab814839e':
Adapt to latest skia
2011-05-12 15:38:18 -07:00
Jean-Baptiste Queru
am 6714e677: Merge "Ninepatch tweaks for better interop"
* commit '6714e6774063aae7a8a7a80c36c89ec60170cb27':
Ninepatch tweaks for better interop
2011-05-12 15:38:15 -07:00
Jean-Baptiste Queru
am 4770c79c: Merge "Tweak audio APIs for better forward/backward/sideways compatibility."
* commit '4770c79c340c2fb5b6b58c0a1ccf8aac96138ef6':
Tweak audio APIs for better forward/backward/sideways compatibility.
2011-05-12 15:38:11 -07:00
Jean-Baptiste Queru
am 71d25778: Merge "Switch to SkSafeUnref for better portability"
* commit '71d25778c61327bf82d0e81cd78175a9ee74420a':
Switch to SkSafeUnref for better portability
2011-05-12 15:38:07 -07:00
Jean-Baptiste Queru
Merge "Adapt to latest skia"
2011-05-12 15:09:51 -07:00
Teng-Hui Zhu
am a0e661b4: am c1a005c3: Merge "Fix the Uri parsing issue" into honeycomb-mr2
* commit 'a0e661b4e4f489fa7c5c2ebadcffc8e6f71132eb':
Fix the Uri parsing issue
2011-05-12 15:05:29 -07:00
Dianne Hackborn
am 97280816: am 0f1de9ad: New compat mode front end: UI and persistence.
* commit '972808164adde6c0784e9c836d06219a9cf7eb7f':
New compat mode front end: UI and persistence.
2011-05-12 15:05:19 -07:00
Teng-Hui Zhu
am c1a005c3: Merge "Fix the Uri parsing issue" into honeycomb-mr2
* commit 'c1a005c356c18ffb676f16b2f6d6d8f361abafe2':
Fix the Uri parsing issue
2011-05-12 15:01:56 -07:00
Dianne Hackborn
am 0f1de9ad: New compat mode front end: UI and persistence.
* commit '0f1de9adde0b52d2a385a76232bd7ac30c3eeea2':
New compat mode front end: UI and persistence.
2011-05-12 15:01:53 -07:00
Jean-Baptiste Queru
Merge "Ninepatch tweaks for better interop"
2011-05-12 14:24:09 -07:00
Jean-Baptiste Queru
Merge "Tweak audio APIs for better forward/backward/sideways compatibility."
2011-05-12 14:19:41 -07:00
Jean-Baptiste Queru
Merge "Switch to SkSafeUnref for better portability"
2011-05-12 14:19:26 -07:00
Irfan Sheriff
Merge "DO NOT MERGE Add DhcpStateMachine" into honeycomb-mr2
2011-05-12 14:18:03 -07:00
Irfan Sheriff
Merge "DO NOT MERGE Define Protocol class" into honeycomb-mr2
2011-05-12 14:17:51 -07:00
Teng-Hui Zhu
Merge "Fix the Uri parsing issue" into honeycomb-mr2
2011-05-12 14:11:25 -07:00
Wink Saville
am 76a118dd: Merge "Fix initialization of RouteInfo" into honeycomb-LTE
* commit '76a118dd9e1bc8be33e1e22b7264b7f918f6f050':
Fix initialization of RouteInfo
2011-05-12 14:03:31 -07:00
Wink Saville
Merge "Fix initialization of RouteInfo" into honeycomb-LTE
2011-05-12 13:26:44 -07:00
Irfan Sheriff
am aa1fd701: (-s ours) am 8dd85f80: Merge "Move Wifi Ap configuration to flat file" into gingerbread
* commit 'aa1fd70100d1af393c8d4ebe9cb36a8fa15a3633':
Move Wifi Ap configuration to flat file
2011-05-11 10:06:33 -07:00
Irfan Sheriff
am 8dd85f80: Merge "Move Wifi Ap configuration to flat file" into gingerbread
* commit '8dd85f80ba9c463f5616b47eceb620fe21203f4f':
Move Wifi Ap configuration to flat file
2011-05-11 09:45:36 -07:00
Irfan Sheriff
Merge "Move Wifi Ap configuration to flat file" into gingerbread
2011-05-11 09:15:48 -07:00
Robert Ly
am 65bab344: am f3cdea93: am a45e4f4d: doc change: adding link to pic board
* commit '65bab344789b248cdc9334523e3b04f5a2c155b4':
doc change: adding link to pic board
2011-05-11 09:11:41 -07:00
Robert Ly
am f3cdea93: am a45e4f4d: doc change: adding link to pic board
* commit 'f3cdea937b8b659f959d5e77f4a17f749f85c6ae':
doc change: adding link to pic board
2011-05-11 09:08:42 -07:00
Robert Ly
am a45e4f4d: doc change: adding link to pic board
* commit 'a45e4f4df59e4037408f6b9c0ddf4a7c57eaa273':
doc change: adding link to pic board
2011-05-11 09:04:52 -07:00
Wink Saville
am db08ff76: Merge "Refactor IccRecords and IccCard" into honeycomb-LTE
* commit 'db08ff768b144c6ad8b326300d95c0c60e40f2eb':
Refactor IccRecords and IccCard
2011-05-10 16:31:36 -07:00
Wink Saville
Merge "Refactor IccRecords and IccCard" into honeycomb-LTE
2011-05-10 16:28:33 -07:00
Conley Owens
am 87d86044: am bcd029b6: Merge "Add missing clean-up of idmap file descriptors."
* commit '87d86044c0f15ae2ffc0350271c76ff874fb413b':
Add missing clean-up of idmap file descriptors.
2011-05-10 16:19:29 -07:00
Jake Hamby
resolved conflicts for merge of 18cc814c to honeycomb-plus-aosp
Change-Id: I2b569ada3baec2dc486296623063bc2b504c5e96
2011-05-10 15:52:15 -07:00
Eric Fischer
am 98041f02: am 270fbfed: am 37259203: (-s ours) Merge "Import revised translations. DO NOT MERGE" into honeycomb-mr1
* commit '98041f02b471b100056c3dc16e50f04a059f9a58':
Import revised translations. DO NOT MERGE
2011-05-10 14:27:23 -07:00
Eric Fischer
am 270fbfed: am 37259203: (-s ours) Merge "Import revised translations. DO NOT MERGE" into honeycomb-mr1
* commit '270fbfede58e4971588755adfa7e70e0de07b8cf':
Import revised translations. DO NOT MERGE
2011-05-10 14:23:46 -07:00