Grace Kloba
Merge "DO NOT MERGE." into eclair
2010-01-12 10:00:03 -08:00
San Mehat
Merge "framework: storage: Ensure that filesystems are unmounted before shutdown/reboot" into eclair
2010-01-12 09:59:35 -08:00
Andrei Popescu
Merge "Implement timeupdate events for video tag."
2010-01-12 08:17:27 -08:00
Niko Catania
Merge "Fix the CallerInfo lookup when a phone URL is used."
2010-01-12 07:55:27 -08:00
Jim Miller
Merge "Fix 2332563: Add password-lock support to lockscreen"
2010-01-11 17:12:13 -08:00
Romain Guy
Merge "Fix how RelativeLayout handles alignParentBottom/Right when dimension is wrap_content. Bug: #2194109."
2010-01-11 16:48:10 -08:00
Grace Kloba
Merge "As setNewZoomScale is called asynchronously, the WebView can be destroyed. If it is, skip scaling."
2010-01-11 16:35:32 -08:00
Andreas Huber
Merge "The mp3 decoder should not assert that decoding was successful but return an error instead."
2010-01-11 16:08:56 -08:00
Tom O'Neill
Merge "Improve ContactsContract documentation, esp. of Data inner class"
2010-01-11 15:59:36 -08:00
Xavier Ducrohet
am f5a84f8a: am dfe25b0e: Merge "LayoutLib: support for custom styles." into eclair
Merge commit 'f5a84f8a7f91422f698ffbea3fabf77f2f7f77c8'
* commit 'f5a84f8a7f91422f698ffbea3fabf77f2f7f77c8':
LayoutLib: support for custom styles.
2010-01-11 15:30:29 -08:00
Xavier Ducrohet
am dfe25b0e: Merge "LayoutLib: support for custom styles." into eclair
Merge commit 'dfe25b0e0c382d04a59bb03c7f5f8689ece5395e' into eclair-plus-aosp
* commit 'dfe25b0e0c382d04a59bb03c7f5f8689ece5395e':
LayoutLib: support for custom styles.
2010-01-11 15:28:07 -08:00
Xavier Ducrohet
Merge "LayoutLib: support for custom styles." into eclair
2010-01-11 15:25:16 -08:00
Dan Egnor
Merge "Simplify & update ANR logging; report ANR data into the dropbox. Eliminate the per-process 200ms timeout during ANR thread-dumping. Dump all the threads at once, then wait for the file to stabilize. Seems to work great and is much, much, much faster."
2010-01-11 15:09:51 -08:00
Andreas Huber
Merge "Fix an uninitialized read detected by valgrind. The array to be copied is statically sized and not a c-string."
2010-01-11 14:56:39 -08:00
Jean-Michel Trivi
Merge "Apply EQ on the output of the speech synthesis only when using the Pico TTS engine."
2010-01-11 14:26:17 -08:00
Jaikumar Ganesh
am 495d820c: am ccaebfc9: Don\'t set priority in Bonding state. This was causing A2DP get connected for Car Docks, when user didn\'t select it.
Merge commit '495d820c0124a811b9352b93ce4fe88c716f259d'
* commit '495d820c0124a811b9352b93ce4fe88c716f259d':
Don't set priority in Bonding state.
2010-01-11 14:23:18 -08:00
Tom Taylor
am 2bb1f870: am 1edd8277: Merge "Hide unused fields" into eclair
Merge commit '2bb1f87089faa14954c1b5afa92a34ea947f5ff6'
* commit '2bb1f87089faa14954c1b5afa92a34ea947f5ff6':
Hide unused fields
2010-01-11 14:23:09 -08:00
Jaikumar Ganesh
am ccaebfc9: Don\'t set priority in Bonding state. This was causing A2DP get connected for Car Docks, when user didn\'t select it.
Merge commit 'ccaebfc9428aa7c167caf469f7393e1fb375307e' into eclair-plus-aosp
* commit 'ccaebfc9428aa7c167caf469f7393e1fb375307e':
Don't set priority in Bonding state.
2010-01-11 14:20:53 -08:00
Tom Taylor
am 1edd8277: Merge "Hide unused fields" into eclair
Merge commit '1edd8277440c83ef44e0128e86afb8c002e49b17' into eclair-plus-aosp
* commit '1edd8277440c83ef44e0128e86afb8c002e49b17':
Hide unused fields
2010-01-11 14:15:51 -08:00
Derek Sollenberger
am 1fed31aa: am fef4874a: fixing build break by removing unused imports.
Merge commit '1fed31aa81f769db308f6d92b0530ad52fa79ca8'
* commit '1fed31aa81f769db308f6d92b0530ad52fa79ca8':
fixing build break by removing unused imports.
2010-01-11 14:14:28 -08:00
Tom Taylor
Merge "Hide unused fields" into eclair
2010-01-11 14:11:46 -08:00
Trevor Johns
am 18dedf2c: am 50a3977c: Merge "Adding BusinessCard sample to and to the Resources TOC on" into eclair
Merge commit '18dedf2cdfd2c78d93061f20c4269f00449a8e6a'
* commit '18dedf2cdfd2c78d93061f20c4269f00449a8e6a':
Adding BusinessCard sample to and to the Resources TOC on
2010-01-11 14:08:15 -08:00
Trevor Johns
am 50a3977c: Merge "Adding BusinessCard sample to and to the Resources TOC on" into eclair
Merge commit '50a3977c619be113bb35fb7fd53874effad6dbe4' into eclair-plus-aosp
* commit '50a3977c619be113bb35fb7fd53874effad6dbe4':
Adding BusinessCard sample to and to the Resources TOC on
2010-01-11 14:05:55 -08:00
Trevor Johns
Merge "Adding BusinessCard sample to and to the Resources TOC on" into eclair
2010-01-11 14:00:54 -08:00
Dirk Dougherty
am 6b113b1a: am 595f48b2: Merge "SDK doc change: Miscellaneous fixes." into eclair
Merge commit '6b113b1a82e04e087dca3c07fa4cf3dbb6e422d9'
* commit '6b113b1a82e04e087dca3c07fa4cf3dbb6e422d9':
SDK doc change: Miscellaneous fixes.
2010-01-11 13:50:42 -08:00
Grace Kloba
am 6c87c77d: (-s ours) am a2b0d38f: First draft of multitouch in the WebView.
Merge commit '6c87c77de449f6f85b822022501c2de7ecd24660'
* commit '6c87c77de449f6f85b822022501c2de7ecd24660':
First draft of multitouch in the WebView.
2010-01-11 13:49:49 -08:00
Derek Sollenberger
am fef4874a: fixing build break by removing unused imports.
Merge commit 'fef4874afddeeba8eaac6da49cc3203e9ce2d009' into eclair-mr2-plus-aosp
* commit 'fef4874afddeeba8eaac6da49cc3203e9ce2d009':
fixing build break by removing unused imports.
2010-01-11 13:31:43 -08:00
Derek Sollenberger
am d55aa751: am 7c5bf466: consolidating to only use one surface per plugin. give plugin access to java context.
Merge commit 'd55aa75138cb3305e1aeb6fb4873851435462f2f'
* commit 'd55aa75138cb3305e1aeb6fb4873851435462f2f':
consolidating to only use one surface per plugin. give plugin access to java context.
2010-01-11 13:23:41 -08:00
Derek Sollenberger
am 7c5bf466: consolidating to only use one surface per plugin. give plugin access to java context.
Merge commit '7c5bf4666cb8f2f79a61f46f14dd2272b0ba41db' into eclair-mr2-plus-aosp
* commit '7c5bf4666cb8f2f79a61f46f14dd2272b0ba41db':
consolidating to only use one surface per plugin. give plugin access to java context.
2010-01-11 13:11:13 -08:00
Jack Palevich
am 90ce68a9: (-s ours) am 6d0f6c78: Merge "DO NOT MERGE A library for encoding and decoding ETC1 textures." into eclair
Merge commit '90ce68a99f8803643d83be963aa0f28fa952a186'
* commit '90ce68a99f8803643d83be963aa0f28fa952a186':
DO NOT MERGE A library for encoding and decoding ETC1 textures.
2010-01-11 13:00:36 -08:00
Vasu Nori
am 9c74295f: am a1759cea: Merge "add eventlog message whenever sqlite reports db corruption error" into eclair
Merge commit '9c74295fb16da0469304a7c04c471915e28d09bd'
* commit '9c74295fb16da0469304a7c04c471915e28d09bd':
add eventlog message whenever sqlite reports db corruption error
2010-01-11 13:00:28 -08:00
Scott Main
am c9a26f29: am aa3b5961: javadoc change: fix the selector sample XML in the class description (was broken due to improper ordering)
Merge commit 'c9a26f291b8a845fcb5e3034c259d13d3297a98d'
* commit 'c9a26f291b8a845fcb5e3034c259d13d3297a98d':
javadoc change: fix the selector sample XML in the class
2010-01-11 13:00:14 -08:00
Dirk Dougherty
am 595f48b2: Merge "SDK doc change: Miscellaneous fixes." into eclair
Merge commit '595f48b2a4fa2751ad638b60d2476e77738b21da' into eclair-plus-aosp
* commit '595f48b2a4fa2751ad638b60d2476e77738b21da':
SDK doc change: Miscellaneous fixes.
2010-01-11 11:38:04 -08:00
Dirk Dougherty
Merge "SDK doc change: Miscellaneous fixes." into eclair
2010-01-11 11:33:57 -08:00
Mike Lockwood
Merge "Unhide LocationManager APIs needed for unbundled location providers."
2010-01-11 10:48:51 -08:00
Andrei Popescu
Merge "Allow a video to be correctly resumed programatically after being paused."
2010-01-11 10:47:23 -08:00
Grace Kloba
am a2b0d38f: First draft of multitouch in the WebView.
Merge commit 'a2b0d38f8c6311e712c32318d4ebb68e5a2fecef' into eclair-plus-aosp
* commit 'a2b0d38f8c6311e712c32318d4ebb68e5a2fecef':
First draft of multitouch in the WebView.
2010-01-11 10:47:21 -08:00
San Mehat
Merge "MountService: Clean up some logspam"
2010-01-11 10:10:10 -08:00
Bjorn Bringert
Merge "Copy SearchSourceSelector from QuickSearchBox"
2010-01-11 08:39:24 -08:00
Leon Scroggins
am ff7d33b5: am 04e0a101: Bring up IME after receiving a response from webkit.
Merge commit 'ff7d33b55b799b234f66fdcf65070ef590fee6d9'
* commit 'ff7d33b55b799b234f66fdcf65070ef590fee6d9':
Bring up IME after receiving a response from webkit.
2010-01-11 06:58:51 -08:00
Leon Scroggins
am 04e0a101: Bring up IME after receiving a response from webkit.
Merge commit '04e0a1018f69b38827e63a7f19a4d1e341f9725a' into eclair-mr2-plus-aosp
* commit '04e0a1018f69b38827e63a7f19a4d1e341f9725a':
Bring up IME after receiving a response from webkit.
2010-01-11 06:42:13 -08:00
Jack Palevich
am 6d0f6c78: Merge "DO NOT MERGE A library for encoding and decoding ETC1 textures." into eclair
Merge commit '6d0f6c78037225ef5648d10e45a513a2e7c612b5' into eclair-plus-aosp
* commit '6d0f6c78037225ef5648d10e45a513a2e7c612b5':
DO NOT MERGE A library for encoding and decoding ETC1 textures.
2010-01-09 21:54:28 -08:00
Jack Palevich
Merge "DO NOT MERGE A library for encoding and decoding ETC1 textures." into eclair
2010-01-09 21:51:05 -08:00
Vasu Nori
am a1759cea: Merge "add eventlog message whenever sqlite reports db corruption error" into eclair
Merge commit 'a1759ceac2f56f1c83ad6d1bc38e30ece2bf99fd' into eclair-plus-aosp
* commit 'a1759ceac2f56f1c83ad6d1bc38e30ece2bf99fd':
add eventlog message whenever sqlite reports db corruption error
2010-01-08 16:33:50 -08:00
Scott Main
am aa3b5961: javadoc change: fix the selector sample XML in the class description (was broken due to improper ordering)
Merge commit 'aa3b5961c0142fe2fe87a5e4f67a12b3728f1bea' into eclair-plus-aosp
* commit 'aa3b5961c0142fe2fe87a5e4f67a12b3728f1bea':
javadoc change: fix the selector sample XML in the class
2010-01-08 16:33:45 -08:00
Daniel Sandler
am cffea95e: (-s ours) am 3fb4ee4e: Merge "Immediately close the shade when the status bar is disabled. (DO NOT MERGE)" into eclair
Merge commit 'cffea95e1ef203223b87ae8a6bde415b25c5c415'
* commit 'cffea95e1ef203223b87ae8a6bde415b25c5c415':
Immediately close the shade when the status bar is disabled. (DO NOT MERGE)
2010-01-08 16:33:00 -08:00
Eric Laurent
am d31d7397: am 663ec308: Fix issue 2361949: A2DP suspend parameters set wrongly.
Merge commit 'd31d7397ba26dcd913e96d06f0a8fd593780d629'
* commit 'd31d7397ba26dcd913e96d06f0a8fd593780d629':
Fix issue 2361949: A2DP suspend parameters set wrongly.
2010-01-08 16:28:21 -08:00
Romain Guy
Merge "Deprecate fill_parent and introduce match_parent. Bug: #2361749."
2010-01-08 15:32:18 -08:00
Charles Chen
Merge "Enabling multiple apps to use different speech synthesis engines and not interfere with one another."
2010-01-08 15:26:57 -08:00
Jean-Michel Trivi
Merge "Remove useless start of AudioTrack for TTS and improper volume setting. The AudioTrack that plays the synthesized audio data should only be started when the first synthesis request is sent, not after the initialization of the engine. The track volume should be initialized to it nominal level. Volumes above 1 do not provide amplification, so setting the volume to 2 is not necessary."
2010-01-08 15:21:39 -08:00