Android (Google) Code Review
am 7b8f782e: Merge change 6183 into donut
Merge commit '7b8f782eaaef392154fe3acd3ffb48c0a81024e9'
* commit '7b8f782eaaef392154fe3acd3ffb48c0a81024e9':
Fix null data handling in ServiceCommand.writeCommand()
2009-07-06 11:21:50 -07:00
Android (Google) Code Review
am 2f97e984: (-s ours) Merge change 6130 into donut
Merge commit '2f97e984b52b243a5433596c8c291f35778d6b38'
* commit '2f97e984b52b243a5433596c8c291f35778d6b38':
Make backup agent run in the system process as well.
2009-07-06 11:21:45 -07:00
Android (Google) Code Review
am 922f1b85: Merge change 6146 into donut
Merge commit '922f1b85b9096d9056f1b9e2d777098d1e4ed8b1'
* commit '922f1b85b9096d9056f1b9e2d777098d1e4ed8b1':
Fixing 1949086 Sholes telephony crash after waking from sleep.
2009-07-06 11:17:56 -07:00
Charles Chen
am 4bca97ec: Removing IPA - IPA is already handled by the phoneme tag.
Merge commit '4bca97ecaf04c50d5ed49920d119f9ffa6c29402'
* commit '4bca97ecaf04c50d5ed49920d119f9ffa6c29402':
Removing IPA - IPA is already handled by the phoneme tag.
2009-07-06 11:17:45 -07:00
Android (Google) Code Review
am b29f8283: Merge change 6155 into donut
Merge commit 'b29f8283d06c2ab4eb54c991d7ffb5181d91af15'
* commit 'b29f8283d06c2ab4eb54c991d7ffb5181d91af15':
Unhide android.speech.tts.TextToSpeech
2009-07-06 11:17:34 -07:00
Android (Google) Code Review
am 7e8cbfc2: Merge change 6143 into donut
Merge commit '7e8cbfc2bc3ea2334c38db7fd2b6a1e17eefcac6'
* commit '7e8cbfc2bc3ea2334c38db7fd2b6a1e17eefcac6':
Fix the simulator.
2009-07-06 11:17:12 -07:00
Christopher Tate
am d23d7f2d: Add a \'wipe\' operation to Bmgr
Merge commit 'd23d7f2d12c20314e1e8ff206fafc8f21745ca2d'
* commit 'd23d7f2d12c20314e1e8ff206fafc8f21745ca2d':
Add a 'wipe' operation to Bmgr
2009-07-06 11:17:02 -07:00
Android (Google) Code Review
am e15df401: Merge change 6132 into donut
Merge commit 'e15df4017c3625de700e9f9953073f38898bbc89'
* commit 'e15df4017c3625de700e9f9953073f38898bbc89':
If we can't get the restore set's metadata, don't continue
2009-07-06 11:16:58 -07:00
Android (Google) Code Review
am fe11ea5e: Merge change 6126 into donut
Merge commit 'fe11ea5e2df4a4414aa266e93179c3098b03a795'
* commit 'fe11ea5e2df4a4414aa266e93179c3098b03a795':
Use 'LOCAL_PATH' instead of 'local_path', so it's easier to see a diff of the two .mk files.
2009-07-06 11:16:48 -07:00
Android (Google) Code Review
am 0d81f636: (-s ours) Merge change 6102 into donut
Merge commit '0d81f6368708b1faa42a3bb6413210e01fea9222'
* commit '0d81f6368708b1faa42a3bb6413210e01fea9222':
Backup Wifi supplicant data.
2009-07-06 11:16:34 -07:00
Android (Google) Code Review
am 9701b3d5: Merge change 5979 into donut
Merge commit '9701b3d594868bd6750d5887af560c6295ea091b'
* commit '9701b3d594868bd6750d5887af560c6295ea091b':
Remove the constraint to assign new uid when code path changes for system packages
2009-07-06 11:02:59 -07:00
Christopher Tate
am 4e3e50cf: Clean up the last two literal permission string usages
Merge commit '4e3e50cfa7cf02270ed0dd454d5c51bf7065bd14'
* commit '4e3e50cfa7cf02270ed0dd454d5c51bf7065bd14':
Clean up the last two literal permission string usages
2009-07-06 11:02:55 -07:00
Android (Google) Code Review
am 7c5ae202: Merge change 6104 into donut
Merge commit '7c5ae202c53be1ab4881a6811aa5bd091c3aef10'
* commit '7c5ae202c53be1ab4881a6811aa5bd091c3aef10':
Add a "clear backed-up data" method to the backup mechanism
2009-07-06 11:02:50 -07:00
Android (Google) Code Review
am a642e313: Merge change 6090 into donut
Merge commit 'a642e313988ec7f9e732ead00edbded8b57d7452'
* commit 'a642e313988ec7f9e732ead00edbded8b57d7452':
Adding strings for data root and data files - these are needed
2009-07-06 11:02:40 -07:00
Android (Google) Code Review
am c7396025: Merge change 6084 into donut
Merge commit 'c7396025e59524e7ef639fd86fc23123939ee91c'
* commit 'c7396025e59524e7ef639fd86fc23123939ee91c':
Return CAMERA_ERROR_SERVER_DIED to camera app when camera service dies (bug 1956726)
2009-07-06 11:02:33 -07:00
Android (Google) Code Review
am d3de90f3: Merge change 5995 into donut
Merge commit 'd3de90f38d779d28a724e89297c83e6ba1a66fa7'
* commit 'd3de90f38d779d28a724e89297c83e6ba1a66fa7':
Turn off kerning when testing TextUtils.ellipsize().
2009-07-06 11:02:25 -07:00
Android (Google) Code Review
Merge change 6159
* changes:
Add the code to detect how long the WebViewCore thread is idle in the real time.
2009-07-06 10:29:41 -07:00
Android (Google) Code Review
Merge change 6144
* changes:
Fix the performance collection in the http thread. A connection can be reused. Change the thread time collection based on per request.
2009-07-06 10:29:08 -07:00
Android (Google) Code Review
am 3bc64a2c: Merge change 6088 into donut
Merge commit '3bc64a2cb97da7bf7dc203416ad6c7d86c5925fc'
* commit '3bc64a2cb97da7bf7dc203416ad6c7d86c5925fc':
WifiManager: Limit the number of WifiLocks that can be active simultaneously.
2009-07-06 09:12:56 -07:00
Android (Google) Code Review
Merge change 6071
* changes:
In WebTextView, check the focus before sending a key.
2009-07-06 08:49:19 -07:00
Android (Google) Code Review
am 7de4bd9b: Merge change 6045 into donut
Merge commit '7de4bd9b40d80fd68fc746efd645e3df7442acea'
* commit '7de4bd9b40d80fd68fc746efd645e3df7442acea':
Remove the null-termination for Java string compatibility.
2009-07-03 09:08:36 -07:00
Android (Google) Code Review
am 288fe16c: Merge change 6043 into donut
Merge commit '288fe16c20e2c20556839046d38c487b0b18735c'
* commit '288fe16c20e2c20556839046d38c487b0b18735c':
System and Secure settings backup.
2009-07-03 08:58:49 -07:00
Chung-yih Wang
am eec11827: Add CertTool for handling the keygen and certificate download.
Merge commit 'eec11827a6c06b029030f43c8d54fd871cc3347d'
* commit 'eec11827a6c06b029030f43c8d54fd871cc3347d':
Add CertTool for handling the keygen and certificate download.
2009-07-03 08:58:46 -07:00
Android (Google) Code Review
am d45dcbec: Merge change 5615 into donut
Merge commit 'd45dcbec856710f9478ffc5689e7cdf95d757ab8'
* commit 'd45dcbec856710f9478ffc5689e7cdf95d757ab8':
Implement the generic mini-keystore for security.
2009-07-03 08:58:31 -07:00
Daisuke Miyakawa
am 40336782: Add tests. internal bug id 1868702.
Merge commit '40336782eaa797bca3d1487784af113ba3b143ff'
* commit '40336782eaa797bca3d1487784af113ba3b143ff':
Add tests. internal bug id 1868702.
2009-07-03 08:58:24 -07:00
Dianne Hackborn
am d7cd29da: Add facility to run setup wizard after an update.
Merge commit 'd7cd29da91ccc0aba1f1097e19366f9ca36c7ce1'
* commit 'd7cd29da91ccc0aba1f1097e19366f9ca36c7ce1':
Add facility to run setup wizard after an update.
2009-07-03 08:58:10 -07:00
The Android Open Source Project
resolved conflicts for merge of cf098294 to master
2009-07-03 08:55:59 -07:00
Android (Google) Code Review
am 2bbb80e1: Merge change 5994 into donut
Merge commit '2bbb80e183c6492689f8b10b2d0f5dfe9872a6ac'
* commit '2bbb80e183c6492689f8b10b2d0f5dfe9872a6ac':
Less logging in some places. More in others.
2009-07-03 08:18:22 -07:00
Romain Guy
am a5475596: Cleanup a bunch of warnings in app widgets code.
Merge commit 'a54755962ca7725d1e2b6cacbbaece6f1cbf5af4'
* commit 'a54755962ca7725d1e2b6cacbbaece6f1cbf5af4':
Cleanup a bunch of warnings in app widgets code.
2009-07-03 08:18:17 -07:00
Android (Google) Code Review
Merge change 6183 into donut
* changes:
Fix null data handling in ServiceCommand.writeCommand()
2009-07-03 02:52:55 -07:00
Android (Google) Code Review
Merge change 6130 into donut
* changes:
Make backup agent run in the system process as well.
2009-07-03 00:00:19 -07:00
Android (Google) Code Review
Merge change 6146 into donut
* changes:
Fixing 1949086 Sholes telephony crash after waking from sleep.
2009-07-02 22:39:17 -07:00
Android (Google) Code Review
Merge change 6155 into donut
* changes:
Unhide android.speech.tts.TextToSpeech
2009-07-02 16:45:12 -07:00
Android (Google) Code Review
Merge change 6143 into donut
* changes:
Fix the simulator.
2009-07-02 15:24:43 -07:00
Android (Google) Code Review
am 392282f1: Merge change 5962 into donut
Merge commit '392282f1e01518491c6536d931500c4bfac7f24f'
* commit '392282f1e01518491c6536d931500c4bfac7f24f':
SimRecords.getServiceProviderName() always returned null.
2009-07-02 15:24:15 -07:00
Android (Google) Code Review
am 8dd02090: Merge change 5940 into donut
Merge commit '8dd02090cec0743bb1987c2cf21f974ab2e075da'
* commit '8dd02090cec0743bb1987c2cf21f974ab2e075da':
Add CLDR data/formats for newly-translated locales.
2009-07-02 15:24:11 -07:00
Android (Google) Code Review
am d18dc8c6: Merge change 5906 into donut
Merge commit 'd18dc8c641cb4c89ffb205fb510e59a40ddf43fe'
* commit 'd18dc8c641cb4c89ffb205fb510e59a40ddf43fe':
resolve complex value in application context instead of system context.
2009-07-02 15:24:01 -07:00
Android (Google) Code Review
am 54af78a3: Merge change 5950 into donut
Merge commit '54af78a3f7064e04d7ebd64c985d4149f9f7b05c'
* commit '54af78a3f7064e04d7ebd64c985d4149f9f7b05c':
Fix memory leaks in system_server
2009-07-02 15:23:56 -07:00
Christopher Tate
am 49401ddb: Revamp backup scheduling policy
Merge commit '49401ddb9ac11ad5caead4e4cefcaa81d2418ed2'
* commit '49401ddb9ac11ad5caead4e4cefcaa81d2418ed2':
Revamp backup scheduling policy
2009-07-02 15:23:49 -07:00
Christopher Tate
am ce0bf069: Use secure settings for backup enable / transport selection
Merge commit 'ce0bf069fe8c5c93f91cb70b0cd9365245d144c1'
* commit 'ce0bf069fe8c5c93f91cb70b0cd9365245d144c1':
Use secure settings for backup enable / transport selection
2009-07-02 15:23:45 -07:00
Satish Sampath
am 1b1a6e40: Fix build break by adding an @hide javadoc comment.
Merge commit '1b1a6e406c4233b309baee85e14f5a563ca63c48'
* commit '1b1a6e406c4233b309baee85e14f5a563ca63c48':
Fix build break by adding an @hide javadoc comment.
2009-07-02 15:23:40 -07:00
Satish Sampath
am fef8d3e4: Make search UI open up quicker to the user.
Merge commit 'fef8d3e4d8f6f46c098d04b3a57409c947ec1c75'
* commit 'fef8d3e4d8f6f46c098d04b3a57409c947ec1c75':
Make search UI open up quicker to the user.
2009-07-02 15:23:32 -07:00
Android (Google) Code Review
Merge change 6140
* changes:
Add support for multitexture and fix allocation ref counting bug in RS. Add plaque to rollo and leave it disabled due to ugly appearance.
2009-07-02 15:11:04 -07:00
Android (Google) Code Review
Merge change 6132 into donut
* changes:
If we can't get the restore set's metadata, don't continue
2009-07-02 14:30:56 -07:00
Android (Google) Code Review
am 74dc3e4a: Merge change 5616 into donut
Merge commit '74dc3e4a1e4f9c4eed3a3619ffc8beff30b3ec0f'
* commit '74dc3e4a1e4f9c4eed3a3619ffc8beff30b3ec0f':
Revise VpnService to use new vpn.* properties.
2009-07-02 14:25:41 -07:00
Android (Google) Code Review
am 50d87fbd: Merge change 5879 into donut
Merge commit '50d87fbd691a59759d5bbe12284d322f9fa967dd'
* commit '50d87fbd691a59759d5bbe12284d322f9fa967dd':
Represent new searchSettingsDescription attribute on searchables in
2009-07-02 14:25:33 -07:00
Android (Google) Code Review
Merge change 6126 into donut
* changes:
Use 'LOCAL_PATH' instead of 'local_path', so it's easier to see a diff of the two .mk files.
2009-07-02 14:20:08 -07:00
Android (Google) Code Review
Merge change 6102 into donut
* changes:
Backup Wifi supplicant data.
2009-07-02 13:19:55 -07:00
Android (Google) Code Review
Merge change 5979 into donut
* changes:
Remove the constraint to assign new uid when code path changes for system packages
2009-07-02 12:20:29 -07:00
Android (Google) Code Review
Merge change 6104 into donut
* changes:
Add a "clear backed-up data" method to the backup mechanism
2009-07-02 12:10:42 -07:00