Teng-Hui Zhu
am f2c44a79: am 039aa81a: Merge "Fix a crash" into honeycomb-mr1
* commit 'f2c44a79d90096e5f0edf698e27d291d439f0138':
Fix a crash
2011-03-21 18:16:02 -07:00 |
Yu Shan Emily Lau
am 112852b5: am 02109972: Merge "Add the mem logging into test utility. Bug# 4108259" into honeycomb-mr1
* commit '112852b5770300a81d82f0ec06ad0553f286ed01':
Add the mem logging into test utility. Bug# 4108259
2011-03-21 18:14:12 -07:00 |
Gloria Wang
am 4f87a46e: am 7abedd0c: Merge "do not merge: Cherry pick change I6529695c from master to partially fix bug 4126624." into honeycomb-mr1
* commit '4f87a46e6f1a8ba601a320c902abc3d5ce010674':
do not merge: Cherry pick change I6529695c from master to partially fix bug 4126624.
2011-03-21 18:14:09 -07:00 |
Justin Ho
am 6a211610: am 9db9a7d3: Merge "Fixing list selector theme Bug: 4147203" into honeycomb-mr1
* commit '6a21161095326d097a1af3930b4af0d2470abe0b':
Fixing list selector theme Bug: 4147203
2011-03-21 18:14:06 -07:00 |
Teng-Hui Zhu
am 039aa81a: Merge "Fix a crash" into honeycomb-mr1
* commit '039aa81a67465f189c24f92567ccb08ed8a5dce2':
Fix a crash
2011-03-21 18:13:21 -07:00 |
Teng-Hui Zhu
Merge "Fix a crash" into honeycomb-mr1
2011-03-21 18:09:57 -07:00 |
Andreas Huber
am 970d7dd9: am e2c32e9f: If nothing is to be copied, return right away.
* commit '970d7dd95f704fb068c8add784f5b8c1c17ebd3c':
If nothing is to be copied, return right away.
2011-03-21 18:05:50 -07:00 |
Simon Wilson
am 1ba4897e: Merge "DO NOT MERGE Change WiMAX indicator display" into gingerbread
* commit '1ba4897e89fc30042a086b26755dfdb80af258dd':
DO NOT MERGE Change WiMAX indicator display
2011-03-21 18:02:57 -07:00 |
Yu Shan Emily Lau
am 02109972: Merge "Add the mem logging into test utility. Bug# 4108259" into honeycomb-mr1
* commit '0210997218fc22b77c71a43a2396419cd0a39166':
Add the mem logging into test utility. Bug# 4108259
2011-03-21 18:00:32 -07:00 |
Gloria Wang
am 7abedd0c: Merge "do not merge: Cherry pick change I6529695c from master to partially fix bug 4126624." into honeycomb-mr1
* commit '7abedd0cdefdcd6d3b62808724e721bb1b92b185':
do not merge: Cherry pick change I6529695c from master to partially fix bug 4126624.
2011-03-21 18:00:30 -07:00 |
Justin Ho
am 9db9a7d3: Merge "Fixing list selector theme Bug: 4147203" into honeycomb-mr1
* commit '9db9a7d3f4428552b3ce553df5184bcbbe8db8dd':
Fixing list selector theme Bug: 4147203
2011-03-21 17:59:59 -07:00 |
Eric Laurent
Merge "Fix issue 3509396: AudioEffect.getParameter JAVA."
2011-03-21 17:51:25 -07:00 |
Teng-Hui Zhu
am 67440893: am f82e5a2c: am 0b933c02: Merge "Support loading image and paused image for inline video" into honeycomb-mr1
* commit '67440893ee32f057d2695b0eea9811e289b68603':
Support loading image and paused image for inline video
2011-03-21 17:48:59 -07:00 |
Yu Shan Emily Lau
Merge "Add the mem logging into test utility. Bug# 4108259" into honeycomb-mr1
2011-03-21 17:32:17 -07:00 |
Gloria Wang
Merge "do not merge: Cherry pick change I6529695c from master to partially fix bug 4126624." into honeycomb-mr1
2011-03-21 17:26:03 -07:00 |
Carl Shapiro
Merge "Remove dead code from the Zygote initialization."
2011-03-21 17:04:25 -07:00 |
Simon Wilson
Merge "DO NOT MERGE Change WiMAX indicator display" into gingerbread
2011-03-21 16:58:41 -07:00 |
Justin Ho
Merge "Fixing list selector theme Bug: 4147203" into honeycomb-mr1
2011-03-21 16:52:35 -07:00 |
Andreas Huber
Merge "Enable http-live support for https:// urls, fix a parsing issue."
2011-03-21 16:36:37 -07:00 |
Teng-Hui Zhu
am f82e5a2c: am 0b933c02: Merge "Support loading image and paused image for inline video" into honeycomb-mr1
* commit 'f82e5a2c903d16b6ca35313e184462625d482ff1':
Support loading image and paused image for inline video
2011-03-21 16:28:04 -07:00 |
Andreas Huber
am e2c32e9f: If nothing is to be copied, return right away.
* commit 'e2c32e9f966cf9f2c9ed94bf0703344a2cca284b':
If nothing is to be copied, return right away.
2011-03-21 16:21:29 -07:00 |
Vasu Nori
Merge "fix broken logTimeStat stuff"
2011-03-21 15:52:43 -07:00 |
Romain Guy
Merge "Update GL textures when changing a Bitmap's pixels Bug #4146495"
2011-03-21 15:31:00 -07:00 |
James Dong
Merge "Add read and write option in opening file for output in the writers"
2011-03-21 15:13:14 -07:00 |
Gloria Wang
Merge "Fix for 4084554. DRM framework support for enabling/disabling copy control settings from a DRM plugin"
2011-03-21 15:01:00 -07:00 |
Teng-Hui Zhu
am 0b933c02: Merge "Support loading image and paused image for inline video" into honeycomb-mr1
* commit '0b933c02dddbc325498b3b73d8be9167b155801b':
Support loading image and paused image for inline video
2011-03-21 14:19:29 -07:00 |
Eric Laurent
Merge "Fix issue 3483718: audio streaming and A2DP."
2011-03-21 14:06:33 -07:00 |
Teng-Hui Zhu
Merge "Support loading image and paused image for inline video" into honeycomb-mr1
2011-03-21 14:01:10 -07:00 |
Romain Guy
Merge "Add support for drawPoint() and drawPoints()."
2011-03-21 13:12:28 -07:00 |
Fred Quintana
am 661e9b37: Merge "remove the code that clears the passwords when the sim is replaced with a different one." into gingerbread
* commit '661e9b371fcc1a2aec5dfd74f2cc65db1d8a77d5':
remove the code that clears the passwords when the sim is replaced with a different one.
2011-03-21 11:33:34 -07:00 |
Andreas Huber
Merge "Support passing headers to MediaMetadataRetriever's setDataSource API"
2011-03-21 11:23:15 -07:00 |
James Dong
Merge "Scale the thumbnail if display dimension is different from the actual buffer size"
2011-03-21 11:07:18 -07:00 |
Fred Quintana
Merge "remove the code that clears the passwords when the sim is replaced with a different one." into gingerbread
2011-03-21 11:04:23 -07:00 |
Justin Ho
am 3f29ffa5: am 38cf000a: am 5e35c485: Updated 3G and wifi traffic indicators
* commit '3f29ffa56c5204fd3dc5587479b8a1c688665e41':
Updated 3G and wifi traffic indicators
2011-03-21 10:58:50 -07:00 |
Justin Ho
am 38cf000a: am 5e35c485: Updated 3G and wifi traffic indicators
* commit '38cf000a541206769ad7686936e49bf0c1e417b9':
Updated 3G and wifi traffic indicators
2011-03-21 10:56:41 -07:00 |
Justin Ho
am 5e35c485: Updated 3G and wifi traffic indicators
* commit '5e35c4855a972960403a10811882ebded8945006':
Updated 3G and wifi traffic indicators
2011-03-21 10:54:51 -07:00 |
Mike Lockwood
am 35fb9ea8: (-s ours) am 9a612b54: (-s ours) am 65de3c76: DO NOT MERGE: UsbService: Handle the case where a USB accessory connects as the device is booting
* commit '35fb9ea84db148251973e1266904fd0949a6b2b1':
DO NOT MERGE: UsbService: Handle the case where a USB accessory connects as the device is booting
2011-03-20 17:50:53 -07:00 |
Mike Lockwood
am 9a612b54: (-s ours) am 65de3c76: DO NOT MERGE: UsbService: Handle the case where a USB accessory connects as the device is booting
* commit '9a612b545e2c5249bfd8ef2b7673197b8f214cbd':
DO NOT MERGE: UsbService: Handle the case where a USB accessory connects as the device is booting
2011-03-20 17:49:21 -07:00 |
Mike Lockwood
am 433567b5: am 56063c8d: am dd76dc02: Merge "UsbService: Handle the case where a USB accessory connects as the device is booting" into honeycomb-mr1
* commit '433567b57c96525fb6c1c39e8ccb9780548441ba':
UsbService: Handle the case where a USB accessory connects as the device is booting
2011-03-20 17:40:07 -07:00 |
Mike Lockwood
am 65de3c76: DO NOT MERGE: UsbService: Handle the case where a USB accessory connects as the device is booting
* commit '65de3c76874386a5c1ffd26690451ecdef972a9e':
DO NOT MERGE: UsbService: Handle the case where a USB accessory connects as the device is booting
2011-03-20 17:37:33 -07:00 |
Mike Lockwood
am 56063c8d: am dd76dc02: Merge "UsbService: Handle the case where a USB accessory connects as the device is booting" into honeycomb-mr1
* commit '56063c8d62d0574409a8150d580993c8d8e0f14f':
UsbService: Handle the case where a USB accessory connects as the device is booting
2011-03-20 17:33:01 -07:00 |
Mike Lockwood
am dd76dc02: Merge "UsbService: Handle the case where a USB accessory connects as the device is booting" into honeycomb-mr1
* commit 'dd76dc0297f4c39fefbbc1ac23d9b1add187d9e9':
UsbService: Handle the case where a USB accessory connects as the device is booting
2011-03-20 17:25:09 -07:00 |
Mike Lockwood
Merge "UsbService: Handle the case where a USB accessory connects as the device is booting" into honeycomb-mr1
2011-03-20 17:08:24 -07:00 |
Jeff Brown
Merge "Optimize EventHub to process events in big chunks."
2011-03-18 19:06:51 -07:00 |
Jeff Brown
Merge "Fix an incorrect NDK function prototype."
2011-03-18 18:52:40 -07:00 |
Jason Sams
Merge "Fix cleanup bug clearing script references."
2011-03-18 17:43:10 -07:00 |
Jamie Gennis
am bd340c7b: am b368f4d8: am 38caff23: Merge "SurfaceFlinger: Fix a typo." into honeycomb-mr1
* commit 'bd340c7b492fcf7d0a6cccab8825e710c83fe76d':
SurfaceFlinger: Fix a typo.
2011-03-18 17:38:37 -07:00 |
Jamie Gennis
am b368f4d8: am 38caff23: Merge "SurfaceFlinger: Fix a typo." into honeycomb-mr1
* commit 'b368f4d85d8b5e567f605c991a6c5c6ff1c868d8':
SurfaceFlinger: Fix a typo.
2011-03-18 17:36:51 -07:00 |
Jamie Gennis
am 38caff23: Merge "SurfaceFlinger: Fix a typo." into honeycomb-mr1
* commit '38caff230d1ee52701cc8cffde0309b91c2016d6':
SurfaceFlinger: Fix a typo.
2011-03-18 17:34:27 -07:00 |
Jamie Gennis
Merge "SurfaceFlinger: Fix a typo." into honeycomb-mr1
2011-03-18 17:32:25 -07:00 |