* changes:
* a best effort fix for apps that uses get/set Matrix API on canvas. - scale the matrix - but don't scale if the matrix *looks* like obtained from the canvas itself. (typically to set it back to original matrix)
* changes:
Remove the silent ringtone. I didn't realize that the ringtone picker already has an option to show a "Silent" item at the top, and having a separate silent ringtone conflicts with that in apps that choose to show it.
Initial commit for review.
Integrated comments after patch set 1 review.
Fixed lockup in AudioFlinger::ThreadBase::exit()
Fixed lockup when playing tone with AudioPlocyService startTone()
* changes:
Add a flag to set whether the overlay has been initialized. Commit needs to be called at least once on each overlay, and it appears that sometimes this doesn't happen because the visibility never changes. With this change the overlay parameter and position will be committed when either the visibility of the window changes, or on the first call to visibility resolved, if it hasn't already been done.
* changes:
Make intent broadcasts in "am" synchronous (they wait until exit). Clean up error handling and reporting in "am". Make the usage message for "am" more informative.
doesn't happen because the visibility never changes. With this change
the overlay parameter and position will be committed when either the visibility
of the window changes, or on the first call to visibility resolved, if it
hasn't already been done.
Signed-off-by: Rebecca Schultz Zavin <rebecca@android.com>
* changes:
Add new hidden API setForceIgnoreOutsideTouch to AutoCompleteTextView for use by SearchDialog. SearchDialog wants to be able to say a dropdown should not always be visible but still let it ignore outside touch when it does show.
Merge commit '98a44df4b4cc8cd28276ad888a7e17f81353ae44'
* commit '98a44df4b4cc8cd28276ad888a7e17f81353ae44':
* Revert the change that I introduced while refactroing in SurfaceView#dispatchTouchEvent
* changes:
* Revert the change that I introduced while refactroing in SurfaceView#dispatchTouchEvent * Don't scale back the event if the canvas is used in SurfaceView.
Merge commit 'ef6b66cbbbe7ae8ee0450cbbaae4194b069679a1'
* commit 'ef6b66cbbbe7ae8ee0450cbbaae4194b069679a1':
Add a public API that reports the supported OpenGLES API level.
Merge commit '11b822d2a91ea17c34c0cb1c11e80a9a30d72864'
* commit '11b822d2a91ea17c34c0cb1c11e80a9a30d72864':
Simplify density compatibility to a boolean.
Merge commit '59c25cbaf0dd690e503b881392510127441d9074'
* commit '59c25cbaf0dd690e503b881392510127441d9074':
DrawableContainer was not respecting the value returned by Drawable.getPadding(Rect).
Merge commit '7228d0fdd7fd151f033b09044a9ba94b2bc06b74'
* commit '7228d0fdd7fd151f033b09044a9ba94b2bc06b74':
Resetting the setLanguage() call to its intended behavior after change 8089
Merge commit 'b551fb872be9b758c7793f56398d25a74d4a404c'
* commit 'b551fb872be9b758c7793f56398d25a74d4a404c':
Always call ensureImeVisible when the text field is clicked. We want this
Merge commit '5e21a11f00e3e65f6d7681e2519677329f0a92b2'
* commit '5e21a11f00e3e65f6d7681e2519677329f0a92b2':
Work around StateListDrawable padding in search suggestions
Merge commit '356d4a14aa96cf52c16f7a4d381044ce28b01af3'
* commit '356d4a14aa96cf52c16f7a4d381044ce28b01af3':
Add the phase2 field for EAP WiFi configuration.
Merge commit '6de72ea39c9c00a2dc5ec539bf5733020c4db52f'
* commit '6de72ea39c9c00a2dc5ec539bf5733020c4db52f':
Proactively set mVisible attribute in startSearch and stopSearch (not just in message handler).
* changes:
Resetting the setLanguage() call to its intended behavior after change 8089 which works around the bug where a language cannot be set if the default language (which is loaded upon initialization) isn't eng-USA.