Merge commit '11b822d2a91ea17c34c0cb1c11e80a9a30d72864'
* commit '11b822d2a91ea17c34c0cb1c11e80a9a30d72864':
Simplify density compatibility to a boolean.
Merge commit '59c25cbaf0dd690e503b881392510127441d9074'
* commit '59c25cbaf0dd690e503b881392510127441d9074':
DrawableContainer was not respecting the value returned by Drawable.getPadding(Rect).
Merge commit '7228d0fdd7fd151f033b09044a9ba94b2bc06b74'
* commit '7228d0fdd7fd151f033b09044a9ba94b2bc06b74':
Resetting the setLanguage() call to its intended behavior after change 8089
Merge commit 'b551fb872be9b758c7793f56398d25a74d4a404c'
* commit 'b551fb872be9b758c7793f56398d25a74d4a404c':
Always call ensureImeVisible when the text field is clicked. We want this
Merge commit '5e21a11f00e3e65f6d7681e2519677329f0a92b2'
* commit '5e21a11f00e3e65f6d7681e2519677329f0a92b2':
Work around StateListDrawable padding in search suggestions
Merge commit '356d4a14aa96cf52c16f7a4d381044ce28b01af3'
* commit '356d4a14aa96cf52c16f7a4d381044ce28b01af3':
Add the phase2 field for EAP WiFi configuration.
Merge commit '6de72ea39c9c00a2dc5ec539bf5733020c4db52f'
* commit '6de72ea39c9c00a2dc5ec539bf5733020c4db52f':
Proactively set mVisible attribute in startSearch and stopSearch (not just in message handler).
* changes:
Resetting the setLanguage() call to its intended behavior after change 8089 which works around the bug where a language cannot be set if the default language (which is loaded upon initialization) isn't eng-USA.
* changes:
Always call ensureImeVisible when the text field is clicked. We want this regardless of whether dropDownAlwaysVisible is true or not, as long as the popup is showing and is potentially obscuring the IME.
This changes the names of the directories in aapt, to what you see
in the list of DpiTest resources. Also adds a new "long" configuration
for wide screens, which the platform sets appropriate, and introduces
a new kind of resizeability for not large but significantly larger
than normal screens which may have compatibility issues.
Merge commit '7c94ceaeac65f4604fa49df6dce9a8d584f52da2'
* commit '7c94ceaeac65f4604fa49df6dce9a8d584f52da2':
Increase the volume of the AudioTrack instance used for the speech synthesis.
Merge commit '74cb705f0c1ee5ccb598b2b676aa50a36e6af7f9'
* commit '74cb705f0c1ee5ccb598b2b676aa50a36e6af7f9':
Fixes#1818201. Do not attempt to display the popup until after the first layout.
Merge commit '7e71fb284d5997bff7e359edc8e1b19cbfb1c9ca'
* commit '7e71fb284d5997bff7e359edc8e1b19cbfb1c9ca':
Don't start search from a dialog if there is no activity associated with
Merge commit '841ed8596a745d90822467bc2c0e13880bb59cc9'
* commit '841ed8596a745d90822467bc2c0e13880bb59cc9':
Reset the speech synth singleton to null when the service is destroyed
Merge commit '22726cf8174fe00a097c89b8da397b10626cdd00'
* commit '22726cf8174fe00a097c89b8da397b10626cdd00':
Return error codes for storing the key/cert in addPkcs12Keystore()
* changes:
Reset the speech synth singleton to null when the service is destroyed so it can be recreated when the service is initialized. In the interface with the native synthesizer library, close the lib in the finalizer, delete the global ref to the SynthProxy java object.
Merge commit '6fb608ee67c3ad82baf2253b87b63fff8907992a'
* commit '6fb608ee67c3ad82baf2253b87b63fff8907992a':
Issue #1884058 (Need to only record frequency and duration for selected Google apps)