Mike Lockwood
Merge "GPS: Changes to enable on-demand data call flow for CDMA connections"
2011-07-28 13:13:35 -07:00 |
Wink Saville
am d20f60c8: Merge "Support of LTE Only mode" into honeycomb-LTE
* commit 'd20f60c8a71ca0aa853bc433f74b32dcfc98f984':
Support of LTE Only mode
2011-07-27 20:39:09 -07:00 |
Wink Saville
Merge "Support of LTE Only mode" into honeycomb-LTE
2011-07-27 20:35:52 -07:00 |
Xavier Ducrohet
am 0b45ca88: am cd01ad7c: am 20339b24: Merge "Remove Debug Code"
* commit '0b45ca8884acfd2e9ccdcb3fbe641a46b116bda0':
Remove Debug Code
2011-07-27 18:40:49 -07:00 |
Xavier Ducrohet
am cd01ad7c: am 20339b24: Merge "Remove Debug Code"
* commit 'cd01ad7cc7813e3067826945c2a472602f1d3509':
Remove Debug Code
2011-07-27 18:38:50 -07:00 |
Xavier Ducrohet
am 20339b24: Merge "Remove Debug Code"
* commit '20339b24394be06c5bfe5157a4b35adc48f665eb':
Remove Debug Code
2011-07-27 18:36:17 -07:00 |
Xavier Ducrohet
Merge "Remove Debug Code"
2011-07-27 18:26:01 -07:00 |
Ramesh Sudini
am 9a87deb5: DataConnection: Clear cid when entering inactive state.
* commit '9a87deb538caed347621e57c5c83e0185a963bb4':
DataConnection: Clear cid when entering inactive state.
2011-07-27 16:32:48 -07:00 |
Xavier Ducrohet
am c682559d: (-s ours) am 4d21c773: am 4d1fa60b: (-s ours) Merge "DO NOT MERGE. may fix build on some version of gcc"
* commit 'c682559d3c39aa4503d5c4d60ae046393aa45b79':
DO NOT MERGE. may fix build on some version of gcc
2011-07-27 14:03:35 -07:00 |
Xavier Ducrohet
am 4d21c773: am 4d1fa60b: (-s ours) Merge "DO NOT MERGE. may fix build on some version of gcc"
* commit '4d21c7732c978a593dfa78f8da1fed7511b38e95':
DO NOT MERGE. may fix build on some version of gcc
2011-07-27 14:01:23 -07:00 |
Xavier Ducrohet
am 4d1fa60b: (-s ours) Merge "DO NOT MERGE. may fix build on some version of gcc"
* commit '4d1fa60bfe660fd0fc6671116da597c0027cbb16':
DO NOT MERGE. may fix build on some version of gcc
2011-07-27 13:59:57 -07:00 |
Xavier Ducrohet
Merge "DO NOT MERGE. may fix build on some version of gcc"
2011-07-27 13:45:05 -07:00 |
Mathias Agopian
DO NOT MERGE. may fix build on some version of gcc
Change-Id: Id99d390862731fd3fbc009dbffdf1d2a59dbe348
2011-07-27 11:31:57 -07:00 |
Robert Greenwalt
resolved conflicts for merge of 41394a36 to honeycomb-plus-aosp
Change-Id: Ic839eb7bd8081b94802dbbf9140b9d1fa0cf7df3
2011-07-27 09:27:00 -07:00 |
Robert Greenwalt
Merge "Use dns proxy a bit." into honeycomb-LTE
2011-07-26 13:21:09 -07:00 |
John Michelau
am ac74551b: Disable name lookups for dumpstate calls to "iptables -L"
* commit 'ac74551bb42eb2d6775d994357481113375574e7':
Disable name lookups for dumpstate calls to "iptables -L"
2011-07-25 22:26:38 -07:00 |
Wink Saville
am 32d106e1: Filter out addresses that are 0.
* commit '32d106e154d0388ac13774fad3c58ff60ba9ae8f':
Filter out addresses that are 0.
2011-07-25 15:31:44 -07:00 |
Robert Greenwalt
Merge "Fix build." into honeycomb-plus-aosp
2011-07-25 14:05:23 -07:00 |
Dianne Hackborn
am 20bf46af: am b0878223: am 6800a801: Merge "frameworks/base: Cap the number of toasts that a package can post."
* commit '20bf46af14130314ae1aeb1e5482c38556c8f0f8':
frameworks/base: Cap the number of toasts that a package can post.
2011-07-25 12:21:32 -07:00 |
Dianne Hackborn
am 9ce1ecdf: am 1a2fcea1: am 2f4698fd: Merge "frameworks/base: unlink death notifications of Vibrate requests"
* commit '9ce1ecdfde98c7b5b5ec346b883df0a50d9722e1':
frameworks/base: unlink death notifications of Vibrate requests
2011-07-25 12:21:29 -07:00 |
Xavier Ducrohet
am 55775e5f: am e70b2b8f: am 9bcf26ea: Merge "Layoutlib_create flag -p: don\'t change all accesses to public."
* commit '55775e5f34af8d7c22ab3212c253b3a7d34a6f8a':
Layoutlib_create flag -p: don't change all accesses to public.
2011-07-25 12:21:17 -07:00 |
Kenny Root
am e612c881: am 4f3a8db6: am 3cf03987: Merge "Continue idmap generation even if name lookup fails."
* commit 'e612c881ecf74770098aa9c07d4f0611ac982038':
Continue idmap generation even if name lookup fails.
2011-07-25 12:21:06 -07:00 |
Robert Greenwalt
resolved conflicts for merge of 26ecc31f to honeycomb-plus-aosp
Change-Id: I23f42e247884f0c9d5ae4d3466213592dd3433d9
2011-07-25 12:08:19 -07:00 |
Wink Saville
am deb62be2: Merge "Configure RAT dependent retry pattern in GSM DCT." into honeycomb-LTE
* commit 'deb62be2e87b19e9bbbc668f8d9327b12dba4a3b':
Configure RAT dependent retry pattern in GSM DCT.
2011-07-24 09:13:26 -07:00 |
Kazuhiro Ondo
am 4281817f: Allow suggestedRetryTime to indicate no retry is needed.
* commit '4281817f6b624cb51926eb24fa78c68cd9431dce':
Allow suggestedRetryTime to indicate no retry is needed.
2011-07-24 09:11:42 -07:00 |
Wink Saville
Merge "Configure RAT dependent retry pattern in GSM DCT." into honeycomb-LTE
2011-07-24 09:11:28 -07:00 |
Svetoslav Ganov
am d1b4c10f: Merge "DO NOT MERGE AccessibilityInjectorTest did not restore the default key binsings." into honeycomb-LTE
* commit 'd1b4c10fedc04384f40ba7fc30115a1380ce014f':
DO NOT MERGE AccessibilityInjectorTest did not restore the default key binsings.
2011-07-22 17:07:28 -07:00 |
Svetoslav Ganov
Merge "DO NOT MERGE AccessibilityInjectorTest did not restore the default key binsings." into honeycomb-LTE
2011-07-22 17:05:26 -07:00 |
Robert Greenwalt
am ad55d351: Add better routes for secondary DNS
* commit 'ad55d35114237071133eb28ded93a014185d4e35':
Add better routes for secondary DNS
2011-07-22 13:15:56 -07:00 |
Dianne Hackborn
am b0878223: am 6800a801: Merge "frameworks/base: Cap the number of toasts that a package can post."
* commit 'b0878223db87700cdc988a6d9197ca4e3c4772db':
frameworks/base: Cap the number of toasts that a package can post.
2011-07-21 22:37:13 -07:00 |
Dianne Hackborn
am 6800a801: Merge "frameworks/base: Cap the number of toasts that a package can post."
* commit '6800a80199477c90fc64af7211a177de06478a02':
frameworks/base: Cap the number of toasts that a package can post.
2011-07-21 22:35:32 -07:00 |
Dianne Hackborn
am 1a2fcea1: am 2f4698fd: Merge "frameworks/base: unlink death notifications of Vibrate requests"
* commit '1a2fcea1a28074f15126471daa5a8650cb5e2ecc':
frameworks/base: unlink death notifications of Vibrate requests
2011-07-21 22:26:20 -07:00 |
Dianne Hackborn
am 2f4698fd: Merge "frameworks/base: unlink death notifications of Vibrate requests"
* commit '2f4698fda46a3d2a6e78019588d77bae1cfa7193':
frameworks/base: unlink death notifications of Vibrate requests
2011-07-21 22:23:46 -07:00 |
Dianne Hackborn
Merge "frameworks/base: Cap the number of toasts that a package can post."
2011-07-21 22:21:19 -07:00 |
Dianne Hackborn
Merge "frameworks/base: unlink death notifications of Vibrate requests"
2011-07-21 22:18:47 -07:00 |
Kazuhiro Ondo
am 1c82f56f: Display CSIM SPN only if camping SID/NID matches CSIM CDMAHOME
* commit '1c82f56f2453a8a7c83090017ab2427a74829b9a':
Display CSIM SPN only if camping SID/NID matches CSIM CDMAHOME
2011-07-21 18:15:26 -07:00 |
Xavier Ducrohet
am e70b2b8f: am 9bcf26ea: Merge "Layoutlib_create flag -p: don\'t change all accesses to public."
* commit 'e70b2b8fe0c265171f3a367a66c99b36c62567c7':
Layoutlib_create flag -p: don't change all accesses to public.
2011-07-21 16:25:50 -07:00 |
Xavier Ducrohet
am 9bcf26ea: Merge "Layoutlib_create flag -p: don\'t change all accesses to public."
* commit '9bcf26ea7aa108ce4bf4e973b4774d3e60eebafe':
Layoutlib_create flag -p: don't change all accesses to public.
2011-07-21 16:23:18 -07:00 |
Xavier Ducrohet
Merge "Layoutlib_create flag -p: don't change all accesses to public."
2011-07-21 16:17:03 -07:00 |
Kenny Root
am 4f3a8db6: am 3cf03987: Merge "Continue idmap generation even if name lookup fails."
* commit '4f3a8db64d75cd3e88213d3b105dc50fc5bd6262':
Continue idmap generation even if name lookup fails.
2011-07-21 13:11:01 -07:00 |
Kenny Root
am 3cf03987: Merge "Continue idmap generation even if name lookup fails."
* commit '3cf039876177b5b314b635bb12a1dae1b42f4605':
Continue idmap generation even if name lookup fails.
2011-07-21 13:09:05 -07:00 |
Kenny Root
Merge "Continue idmap generation even if name lookup fails."
2011-07-21 13:05:03 -07:00 |
Robert Greenwalt
am 594745ab: am b9f87f19: Merge "First pass tying into per-interface DNS cache"
* commit '594745abefe53abe7f577bbb3cc176d52ee00ba1':
First pass tying into per-interface DNS cache
2011-07-21 11:29:05 -07:00 |
Robert Greenwalt
am b9f87f19: Merge "First pass tying into per-interface DNS cache"
* commit 'b9f87f1970217d24213c8e3dd7755a0e4d82f8eb':
First pass tying into per-interface DNS cache
2011-07-21 11:28:01 -07:00 |
Robert Greenwalt
Merge "First pass tying into per-interface DNS cache"
2011-07-21 11:16:12 -07:00 |
Xavier Ducrohet
am 3a2d1c23: am ddb8e3b2: am 9bac0a9f: Merge "Fix to compile for windows"
* commit '3a2d1c2351c0b4eeb4dc4d91d1c334b9f8ba00ed':
Fix to compile for windows
2011-07-20 18:55:21 -07:00 |
Xavier Ducrohet
am ddb8e3b2: am 9bac0a9f: Merge "Fix to compile for windows"
* commit 'ddb8e3b24b2fe3e4371ca8c1239748f5c71910f6':
Fix to compile for windows
2011-07-20 18:53:08 -07:00 |
Xavier Ducrohet
am 9bac0a9f: Merge "Fix to compile for windows"
* commit '9bac0a9f93976ff341fc9c46b3a85be767119a88':
Fix to compile for windows
2011-07-20 18:49:46 -07:00 |
Xavier Ducrohet
Merge "Fix to compile for windows"
2011-07-20 18:35:35 -07:00 |
Xavier Ducrohet
resolved conflicts for merge of ea9e6d24 to honeycomb-plus-aosp
Change-Id: I8e047147a4d2c899b6654c03a5f32b04d929e602
2011-07-20 17:45:11 -07:00 |