Dianne Hackborn
Merge "Fix issue #3177284 : Account for wake lock power usage on Crespo" into gingerbread
2010-11-10 17:58:28 -08:00
Jeff Brown
am 00e5dd44: Merge "Fix JNI reference leak in NativeActivity. (DO NOT MERGE)" into gingerbread
* commit '00e5dd44f6d014fff8c65b9c718f5641f5eae4bb':
Fix JNI reference leak in NativeActivity. (DO NOT MERGE)
2010-11-10 16:04:13 -08:00
Jeff Brown
Merge "Fix JNI reference leak in NativeActivity. (DO NOT MERGE)" into gingerbread
2010-11-10 16:00:37 -08:00
Scott Main
am 77f5c954: resolved conflicts for merge of 5a726729 to gingerbread
* commit '77f5c9542e159cb9f2f2908227212d4add8ce74c':
docs: remove "new" tags from sample apps
2010-11-10 14:55:48 -08:00
Scott Main
resolved conflicts for merge of 5a726729 to gingerbread
Change-Id: I6060f31c45d49dfe4dbda52836150311b8992b15
2010-11-10 14:46:44 -08:00
Mathias Agopian
am 17fd21fc: Merge "DO NOT MERGE. workaround [3177481] eglGetProcAddress() returns the wrong pointer for some GL extensions" into gingerbread
* commit '17fd21fc0638d8734867b6f189efbabb227f3ae1':
DO NOT MERGE. workaround [3177481] eglGetProcAddress() returns the wrong pointer for some GL extensions
2010-11-10 14:15:57 -08:00
Mathias Agopian
Merge "DO NOT MERGE. workaround [3177481] eglGetProcAddress() returns the wrong pointer for some GL extensions" into gingerbread
2010-11-10 14:09:17 -08:00
Brad Fitzpatrick
am 9de93424: Merge "Without SD card the shutdown sequence was delayed"
* commit '9de93424cc05446e3a216f406c55a3937c028416':
Without SD card the shutdown sequence was delayed
2010-11-10 11:07:18 -08:00
Scott Main
am f4724cdd: Merge "docs: update eclipse guide for eclipse 3.6 also update system requirements" into gingerbread
* commit 'f4724cdd0b39eddb14a686ecaec05ff44258a7f7':
docs: update eclipse guide for eclipse 3.6 also update system requirements
2010-11-10 10:59:45 -08:00
Brad Fitzpatrick
Merge "Without SD card the shutdown sequence was delayed"
2010-11-10 10:58:50 -08:00
Scott Main
Merge "docs: update eclipse guide for eclipse 3.6 also update system requirements" into gingerbread
2010-11-10 10:46:36 -08:00
Owen Lin
am 45ca778d: Merge "Make sure the controller will get repositioned after size changing." into gingerbread
* commit '45ca778d8ed90aff3f72fc85f806cedbd4121cc1':
Make sure the controller will get repositioned after size changing.
2010-11-10 08:25:02 -08:00
Owen Lin
Merge "Make sure the controller will get repositioned after size changing." into gingerbread
2010-11-09 19:02:23 -08:00
Mathias Agopian
am b48189cc: Merge "Improve gyro and accelerometer java doc" into gingerbread
* commit 'b48189ccfe42a408fb713565e54e165d255c6d66':
Improve gyro and accelerometer java doc
2010-11-09 17:24:57 -08:00
Mathias Agopian
Merge "Improve gyro and accelerometer java doc" into gingerbread
2010-11-09 17:12:11 -08:00
David 'Digit' Turner
am b7a109c0: Merge "Refresh EGL header to work with the NDK" into gingerbread
* commit 'b7a109c02735bb0d9e0bcb8f84e4aa3923701460':
Refresh EGL header to work with the NDK
2010-11-09 16:25:58 -08:00
David 'Digit' Turner
Merge "Refresh EGL header to work with the NDK" into gingerbread
2010-11-09 16:12:06 -08:00
Scott Main
am a784d552: Merge "docs: add release notes for ADT v8" into gingerbread
* commit 'a784d5528f6fa07a48bb7de9dcfa04eb60044927':
docs: add release notes for ADT v8
2010-11-09 15:34:46 -08:00
Scott Main
Merge "docs: add release notes for ADT v8" into gingerbread
2010-11-09 15:29:22 -08:00
Mathias Agopian
DO NOT MERGE. workaround [3177481] eglGetProcAddress() returns the wrong pointer for some GL extensions
We just make sure eglGetProcAddress() will return NULL for
which is better than returning the address of the wrong implementation.
the correct fix is more involved.
Change-Id: I585a1f40e564f862e5dd382224609ccd069cd3b5
2010-11-09 14:41:13 -08:00
Jesse Wilson
am 28c74257: Add @Deprecated to match @deprecated where it\'s missing.
* commit '28c742573ccaeb55c16bc02fb25fdd86b8d1f76a':
Add @Deprecated to match @deprecated where it's missing.
2010-11-09 10:17:33 -08:00
Scott Main
am 9eb48bb2: Merge "docs: revisions to ndk release notes" into gingerbread
* commit '9eb48bb2b1627ef8182d260f8b3fd080c57bed4d':
docs: revisions to ndk release notes
2010-11-09 09:35:24 -08:00
Scott Main
Merge "docs: revisions to ndk release notes" into gingerbread
2010-11-09 09:30:30 -08:00
Jeff Hamilton
am 2e2983c6: Merge "Reduce log clutter." into gingerbread
* commit '2e2983c6efe0e4223086e4675b715ed0e20e8d26':
Reduce log clutter.
2010-11-09 06:59:33 -08:00
Jeff Hamilton
Merge "Reduce log clutter." into gingerbread
2010-11-09 06:54:51 -08:00
Wu-cheng Li
am f6bd761f: Use back-facing camera as default in camera/camcorder profile.do not merge
* commit 'f6bd761f9407a35cc1c4a4b9e199e6a0dc8e4943':
Use back-facing camera as default in camera/camcorder profile.do not merge
2010-11-08 23:56:20 -08:00
James Dong
am 1b2efbca: Merge "Update a comment about when setOrientationHint() should be called" into gingerbread
* commit '1b2efbca7120cf799d1242d277af354df7b0a9bb':
Update a comment about when setOrientationHint() should be called
2010-11-08 20:14:19 -08:00
James Dong
Merge "Update a comment about when setOrientationHint() should be called" into gingerbread
2010-11-08 19:59:16 -08:00
Adam Powell
Merge "Fix typo in manual merge" into gingerbread-plus-aosp
2010-11-08 19:59:13 -08:00
Mathias Agopian
am cd43fbb4: Merge "improve sensorservice dumpsys and increase the max sensor rate to 1 ms (1000Hz)" into gingerbread
* commit 'cd43fbb4537487a9c3185e919904f8b0c93daee6':
improve sensorservice dumpsys and increase the max sensor rate to 1 ms (1000Hz)
2010-11-08 19:38:28 -08:00
Adam Powell
resolved conflicts for merge of 06fd1dc5 to gingerbread-plus-aosp
Change-Id: Iae11cabdc3c6b6b59dfdcc3b4944088dded91a52
2010-11-08 19:21:58 -08:00
Adam Powell
am 26153a33: Fix bug 3163052 - always use 32-bit drawing caches when destination window is 32-bit
* commit '26153a33df8e6608bd37da7d44214b2a0db3195f':
Fix bug 3163052 - always use 32-bit drawing caches when destination window is 32-bit
2010-11-08 18:35:22 -08:00
Mathias Agopian
Merge "improve sensorservice dumpsys and increase the max sensor rate to 1 ms (1000Hz)" into gingerbread
2010-11-08 18:28:32 -08:00
James Dong
am d2d62d04: Merge "Support extracting thumbnail from rotated video tracks" into gingerbread
* commit 'd2d62d04fc387e2f51d414e101a3e8e3c45f415e':
Support extracting thumbnail from rotated video tracks
2010-11-08 18:19:40 -08:00
Andy McFadden
am 08686b07: am c10a4773: Set capabilities sooner.
* commit '08686b0755a841d343249ac951db4ec2d7770cba':
Set capabilities sooner.
2010-11-08 18:19:34 -08:00
Adam Powell
Merge "DO NOT MERGE Fix bug 3121030 - Text handles erroneously appear over extract mode IME window" into gingerbread
2010-11-08 18:14:01 -08:00
Justin Ho
am dee7335b: Merge "DO NOT MERGE - Updated textfield pressed states" into gingerbread
* commit 'dee7335b8f9b691688da2139da42aa2c2434b862':
DO NOT MERGE - Updated textfield pressed states
2010-11-08 18:02:22 -08:00
James Dong
Merge "Support extracting thumbnail from rotated video tracks" into gingerbread
2010-11-08 18:00:14 -08:00
Andy McFadden
am c10a4773: Set capabilities sooner.
* commit 'c10a4773ece6ca66ba9cfe4cd15e5987a02bee68':
Set capabilities sooner.
2010-11-08 17:58:50 -08:00
Justin Ho
Merge "DO NOT MERGE - Updated textfield pressed states" into gingerbread
2010-11-08 17:49:57 -08:00
Scott Main
am 05de5a15: Merge "docs: remove quick start; make it an overview of the steps and go to installing guide" into gingerbread
* commit '05de5a15a3b36046df98a7da7a210b7ffc4d43e2':
docs: remove quick start; make it an overview of the steps and go to installing guide
2010-11-08 16:08:48 -08:00
Scott Main
Merge "docs: remove quick start; make it an overview of the steps and go to installing guide" into gingerbread
2010-11-08 16:05:24 -08:00
Mathias Agopian
am 5fd30540: Merge "possibly fix [2265804] OpenGL GLSurfaceView apps don\'t draw status bar drop shadow correctly" into gingerbread
* commit '5fd3054048b41b033700be3f30e4bca69f4f13a6':
possibly fix [2265804] OpenGL GLSurfaceView apps don't draw status bar drop shadow correctly
2010-11-08 13:48:08 -08:00
Mathias Agopian
am fe40e9e0: Merge "fix [3148312] Region can access data out of bounds" into gingerbread
* commit 'fe40e9e0ce7b5536be9f9ff0596714a0eb921b1e':
fix [3148312] Region can access data out of bounds
2010-11-08 13:44:00 -08:00
Mathias Agopian
Merge "possibly fix [2265804] OpenGL GLSurfaceView apps don't draw status bar drop shadow correctly" into gingerbread
2010-11-08 13:41:31 -08:00
Mathias Agopian
Merge "fix [3148312] Region can access data out of bounds" into gingerbread
2010-11-08 13:40:40 -08:00
Wu-cheng Li
am a48b70fa: Camera.open() should only return back-facing camera.
* commit 'a48b70fa8ff6363d1e5282be70f6be12bc0688dc':
Camera.open() should only return back-facing camera.
2010-11-08 12:19:35 -08:00
Wu-cheng Li
am 17ae3597: Revert "android.hardware.Camera.open only returns back-facing camera."
* commit '17ae359721ba74399e785369346509b776999d1f':
Revert "android.hardware.Camera.open only returns back-facing camera."
2010-11-08 12:19:26 -08:00
Wu-cheng Li
am 07b88fef: android.hardware.Camera.open only returns back-facing camera.
* commit '07b88fefd4e6386ad3265da47d008b40e6a58891':
android.hardware.Camera.open only returns back-facing camera.
2010-11-08 12:19:15 -08:00
Andreas Huber
resolved conflicts for merge of 31dc911a to gingerbread-plus-aosp
Change-Id: I2f51b2120b3c552566d91a7dc498a5e8b130205f
2010-11-08 11:56:08 -08:00