Nick Pelly
Merge "Corrected MIFARE default key set" into gingerbread
2010-12-07 09:29:21 -08:00
Chung-yih Wang
am 5f86d7f5: Merge "Fix SIP bug of different transport/port used for requests." into gingerbread
* commit '5f86d7f50beba9f6327b8a04defe4e989a153d4a':
Fix SIP bug of different transport/port used for requests.
2010-12-06 22:10:29 -08:00
Chung-yih Wang
Merge "Fix SIP bug of different transport/port used for requests." into gingerbread
2010-12-06 22:07:59 -08:00
Dirk Dougherty
am 0871ee0c: Doc change: fix href to axis_globe_inverted orientation diagram.
* commit '0871ee0c6f43a7201ce49a66211c1c850eabeb6b':
Doc change: fix href to axis_globe_inverted orientation diagram.
2010-12-06 19:44:36 -08:00
Martijn Coenen
am 9a9706a2: Added missing ndef technology to getTech.
* commit '9a9706a213637b396226afff53c69927283609a7':
Added missing ndef technology to getTech.
2010-12-06 18:48:02 -08:00
Nick Pelly
am e58e8a71: Merge "Added NdefFormatable tag, initial class with supported methods." into gingerbread
* commit 'e58e8a715b2c9e4f2d053e0dc95e88690a54c059':
Added NdefFormatable tag, initial class with supported methods.
2010-12-06 18:44:13 -08:00
Nick Pelly
Merge "Added NdefFormatable tag, initial class with supported methods." into gingerbread
2010-12-06 18:41:36 -08:00
Mathias Agopian
am daef0a04: Merge "[3229973, 3247470, ...] set EGLNativeWindowSurface\'s format in EGL" into gingerbread
* commit 'daef0a040de7a9825bdbcba7b2eae66195e3a95f':
[3229973, 3247470, ...] set EGLNativeWindowSurface's format in EGL
2010-12-06 18:22:57 -08:00
Mathias Agopian
Merge "[3229973, 3247470, ...] set EGLNativeWindowSurface's format in EGL" into gingerbread
2010-12-06 18:20:09 -08:00
Nick Pelly
am eba947a3: Merge "Remove ACTION_TAG_DISCOVERED from protected broadcast list." into gingerbread
* commit 'eba947a32a0233b3a2b384c580ab47bc7f27bb4d':
Remove ACTION_TAG_DISCOVERED from protected broadcast list.
2010-12-06 17:45:25 -08:00
Nick Pelly
Merge "Remove ACTION_TAG_DISCOVERED from protected broadcast list." into gingerbread
2010-12-06 17:43:46 -08:00
James Dong
am d57fbe88: Fixed a race condition where some recording frames may not be released
* commit 'd57fbe887fabd027e644caeaa2139c863143a786':
Fixed a race condition where some recording frames may not be released
2010-12-06 15:36:04 -08:00
Jean-Baptiste Queru
am 1ee2394e: am 1d67fa5b: Merge "Changing connect and response timeout."
* commit '1ee2394edd4b90111f8174862c7c0f435e1a3634':
Changing connect and response timeout.
2010-12-06 13:46:19 -08:00
Jean-Baptiste Queru
am 1d67fa5b: Merge "Changing connect and response timeout."
* commit '1d67fa5b110a1df21e408d450394fb62d5dc9a1e':
Changing connect and response timeout.
2010-12-06 13:43:36 -08:00
Jean-Baptiste Queru
Merge "Changing connect and response timeout."
2010-12-06 13:39:19 -08:00
Jean-Baptiste Queru
am 005dd44b: am 864b1e00: Merge "NumberPicker: Set formatter local value to US."
* commit '005dd44b756ccd5812ac55f07f93e3e16ce2be0b':
NumberPicker: Set formatter local value to US.
2010-12-06 11:05:47 -08:00
Jean-Baptiste Queru
am 864b1e00: Merge "NumberPicker: Set formatter local value to US."
* commit '864b1e007dc741ec10c23cabc0271f97a5b8c598':
NumberPicker: Set formatter local value to US.
2010-12-06 11:03:11 -08:00
Jean-Baptiste Queru
Merge "NumberPicker: Set formatter local value to US."
2010-12-06 10:57:04 -08:00
Jeff Hamilton
am c1576ad6: Update the docs to clarify the ordering constraints.
* commit 'c1576ad627d3d2b2d3c0764c605ebbf3ddc24401':
Update the docs to clarify the ordering constraints.
2010-12-05 20:03:59 -08:00
Nick Pelly
am 3d524e56: Merge gingerbread-nfc into gingerbread
* commit '3d524e562606e7994ede3429b37937f40f94cd41':
First implementation of MifareUltralight
2010-12-05 18:13:10 -08:00
Nick Pelly
Merge gingerbread-nfc into gingerbread
2010-12-05 18:08:16 -08:00
Nick Pelly
am d8c32332: Merge "Merge branch gingerbread-nfc into gingerbread." into gingerbread
* commit 'd8c323321c28a0a5ff70c6e0694aa822edca4005':
Fixed technology name typo's.
Implement historical bytes / attrib on IsoDep
Provide system code and manufacturer code for Felica tech.
Fixed NfcAdapter init and getTechnology().
Secure Element access implementation
Rough first pass at the NFC technology API.
Revert "Merge "Remove the My Tag feature." into gingerbread"
2010-12-05 14:49:00 -08:00
Nick Pelly
Merge "Merge branch gingerbread-nfc into gingerbread." into gingerbread
2010-12-05 14:46:29 -08:00
Nick Pelly
Merge branch gingerbread-nfc into gingerbread.
Change-Id: I37d657a16061fddfbb0993463f24d6d3945cddd1
Signed-off-by: Nick Pelly <>
2010-12-05 14:45:29 -08:00
Irfan Sheriff
am bd3dd73b: Merge "DO NOT MERGE Avoid nullifying dhcp target" into gingerbread
* commit 'bd3dd73b361ad59ae8ad0c1e7e215d974b055fdb':
DO NOT MERGE Avoid nullifying dhcp target
2010-12-04 23:45:18 -08:00
Irfan Sheriff
Merge "DO NOT MERGE Avoid nullifying dhcp target" into gingerbread
2010-12-03 17:58:17 -08:00
Mathias Agopian
[3171580] SurfaceFlinger Bypass mode. (DO NOT MERGE)
This is a poor's man precursor to the h/w composer HAL.
Basically we detect when a window is full screen and in
that case we bypass surfaceflinger's composition step, which
yields to much improved performance.
Change-Id: Ie03796ae81a1c951949b771c9323044b980cb347
2010-12-03 17:35:07 -08:00
Mathias Agopian
[3171580] Add transform field to native buffers. (DO NOT MERGE)
This field indicate how the content of the buffer
needs to be transformed.
Change-Id: Ide3e980a90599e931406135693231276626adbbb
2010-12-03 17:35:07 -08:00
Mathias Agopian
[3171580] Fix two typos related to fixed-size buffers
mFixedSize was never set, this bug was introduced during some "cleanup", in
practice this could cause some issues when a fixed-size buffer was used and
the window was resized.
Layer::drawForSreenShot() had a typo that had no effect.
mFixedSize was used to determine if filtering was needed, which was a bit too
conservative and created a dependency between filtering and "fixed size" states
which should exist.
Now we enable filtering based on the size of the buffer vs. the size of the layer.
Change-Id: I32044e91b0c944c1b137efdceb3f01dfaa78119d
2010-12-03 17:35:06 -08:00
Mathias Agopian
[3171580] don't automatically log GraphicBuffer allocation failures
some of these failures are not fatal and even expected in some cases
so they should not emit a dump in the log in those cases.
Change-Id: Idcfa252e3bfa9d74e27fe4ad8f8623aa01aa9c5e
2010-12-03 17:33:09 -08:00
Mathias Agopian
[3229973, 3247470, ...] set EGLNativeWindowSurface's format in EGL
(there are multiple bugs this should fix)
we now use the EGL_NATIVE_VISUAL_ID of a config to set
the ANativeWindow's format from eglCreateWindowSurface(),
this guarantees that the surface's format will match
whatever EGLConfig the user chose.
this should fix all current and future config/surface format
mismatch and allow users to easily select 32-bits surfaces.
Change-Id: I3835d0eb70c75eeecded3c3509a0a8207554c98b
2010-12-03 14:15:40 -08:00
Hung-ying Tyan
am e2abd103: Merge "Set AudioGroup mode according to audio settings" into gingerbread
* commit 'e2abd103a2d311738ff1dd1e1d9b8e6c52aa870c':
Set AudioGroup mode according to audio settings
2010-12-02 17:56:40 -08:00
Hung-ying Tyan
Merge "Set AudioGroup mode according to audio settings" into gingerbread
2010-12-02 17:50:33 -08:00
Jean-Baptiste Queru
am 4a88013a: resolved conflicts for merge of bf1439c5 to stage-korg-master
* commit '4a88013a4a06a9ea80e8419f94694936e6b013f0':
Preserve flags field of event passed to injectKeyEvent()
2010-12-02 15:21:35 -08:00
Jean-Baptiste Queru
resolved conflicts for merge of bf1439c5 to stage-korg-master
Change-Id: Iab543a7ee449025f1df5d58afaa8f8fdd4809c99
2010-12-02 15:16:53 -08:00
Jean-Baptiste Queru
Merge "Preserve flags field of event passed to injectKeyEvent()"
2010-12-02 14:56:13 -08:00
Xia Wang
am 3591bebd: Merge "Restore Wi-Fi configuration after the test. DO NOT MERGE" into gingerbread
* commit '3591bebd5957a8547fc54659179a19440636e7f9':
Restore Wi-Fi configuration after the test. DO NOT MERGE
2010-12-02 13:44:54 -08:00
Xia Wang
Merge "Restore Wi-Fi configuration after the test. DO NOT MERGE" into gingerbread
2010-12-02 13:40:23 -08:00
James Dong
am d4c5478a: Merge "Be conservative in estimating the file size limit." into gingerbread
* commit 'd4c5478a8664f64ff66db9ae25250afac78b7a74':
Be conservative in estimating the file size limit.
2010-12-02 10:21:06 -08:00
James Dong
Merge "Be conservative in estimating the file size limit." into gingerbread
2010-12-02 10:13:36 -08:00
Jean-Baptiste Queru
am 40eade14: Merge from open-source master
* commit '40eade14bb87d24903588de04449fdfe2e1795cb':
Fix crash by "adb shell pm list permissions -f|-s"
2010-12-02 07:59:52 -08:00
Jean-Baptiste Queru
am 077bc4ac: Merge from open-source master
* commit '077bc4ac019ad33abd613448e11d3ad501218991':
Fix HTTP redirect missing statuscode 303 and 307
2010-12-02 07:59:49 -08:00
Jean-Baptiste Queru
Merge from open-source master
Change-Id: Ie25bbfbf12fa8902d9ba82cf2d4ed4c60d439e39
2010-12-02 07:55:06 -08:00
Jean-Baptiste Queru
Merge from open-source master
Change-Id: Ie45ea6581abd02be0cd7cffed05c0a0b6e65c338
2010-12-02 07:54:57 -08:00
Jeff Hamilton
Merge remote branch 'ohd/gingerbread' into merge
2010-12-02 09:41:16 -06:00
Eric Laurent
am 78d81851: Merge "Fix issue 2641884: Bluetooth volume is dependent on in call volume." into gingerbread
* commit '78d81851a8ef6691541215afb19e5bc690a4c3c0':
Fix issue 2641884: Bluetooth volume is dependent on in call volume.
2010-12-01 16:04:09 -08:00
Eric Laurent
Merge "Fix issue 2641884: Bluetooth volume is dependent on in call volume." into gingerbread
2010-12-01 15:59:31 -08:00
Kenny Root
am 938d0972: Merge "Grant ACCESS_ALL_DOWNLOADS to DefaultContainerService" into gingerbread
* commit '938d097263416ad416ee995e62dab559ea50bf0d':
Grant ACCESS_ALL_DOWNLOADS to DefaultContainerService
2010-12-01 14:20:49 -08:00
Kenny Root
Merge "Grant ACCESS_ALL_DOWNLOADS to DefaultContainerService" into gingerbread
2010-12-01 14:18:23 -08:00
Scott Main
am 83df6ead: am a45d6937: docs: dashboard update
* commit '83df6ead8dfd2037e4681793d439fffa5afda9fc':
docs: dashboard update
2010-12-01 13:59:08 -08:00