Mathias Agopian
Change-Id: I38c87803e32030918f2deb06381eabce0faa870c
2010-09-21 16:22:10 -07:00
Brett Chabot
Merge "Fix build" into gingerbread-plus-aosp
2010-09-21 16:06:58 -07:00
Eric Laurent
am a6dc4699: Merge "Fix issue 2913071." into gingerbread
Merge commit 'a6dc4699222a484222d1c54d5319f302a02e406b' into gingerbread-plus-aosp
* commit 'a6dc4699222a484222d1c54d5319f302a02e406b':
Fix issue 2913071.
2010-09-21 15:59:23 -07:00
Jeff Brown
am ed739327: Simplify and optimize MessageQueue loop.
Merge commit 'ed7393274af2f268fcdede5f1a3d72c9af842b8e' into gingerbread-plus-aosp
* commit 'ed7393274af2f268fcdede5f1a3d72c9af842b8e':
Simplify and optimize MessageQueue loop.
2010-09-21 15:59:14 -07:00
Jeff Brown
am 4ec134cd: am cce0cd13: Merge "Looper: use pthread_once for TLS key initialization." into gingerbread
Merge commit '4ec134cdba52b663506562c6406b07915820b007'
* commit '4ec134cdba52b663506562c6406b07915820b007':
Looper: use pthread_once for TLS key initialization.
2010-09-21 15:57:13 -07:00
Eric Laurent
Merge "Fix issue 2913071." into gingerbread
2010-09-21 15:55:17 -07:00
Jeff Brown
am cce0cd13: Merge "Looper: use pthread_once for TLS key initialization." into gingerbread
Merge commit 'cce0cd138dd0dc338db59083052aca01a51bd52d' into gingerbread-plus-aosp
* commit 'cce0cd138dd0dc338db59083052aca01a51bd52d':
Looper: use pthread_once for TLS key initialization.
2010-09-21 15:52:09 -07:00
Mathias Agopian
fix small bug in EGL error management
make sure to clear our EGL implementation's error when returning
an error from an underlying implementation
Change-Id: Ibce4726cef1f900e4c7f16002345d7a07f8cdf41
2010-09-21 15:43:59 -07:00
Jason Sams
Merge "Detect and throw exception for using objects after explicitly destroying them."
2010-09-21 15:43:30 -07:00
Jeff Brown
Merge "Looper: use pthread_once for TLS key initialization." into gingerbread
2010-09-21 15:36:06 -07:00
Jeff Brown
Looper: use pthread_once for TLS key initialization.
Also fix a Valgrind complaint by zeroing out the entire epoll event
struct since otherwise the data field union would be partly
uninitialized (but not in a harmful way).
Change-Id: I2091ce517e87fcad7c9caf90e2c5e4854a7ca465
2010-09-21 15:26:51 -07:00
Andreas Huber
am 0b2affe8: am 87d208f7: Merge "This log message is codec specific." into gingerbread
Merge commit '0b2affe8f05f887fcb6ae6314e2a0e586dabe9e1'
* commit '0b2affe8f05f887fcb6ae6314e2a0e586dabe9e1':
This log message is codec specific.
2010-09-21 15:25:42 -07:00
Andreas Huber
am af909581: am 67738486: Merge "Remove stagefright foundation\'s incompatible logging interface and update callsites." into gingerbread
Merge commit 'af90958184fc5cfa1a4190e28bcfc4fdd4a5bcd6'
* commit 'af90958184fc5cfa1a4190e28bcfc4fdd4a5bcd6':
Remove stagefright foundation's incompatible logging interface and update callsites.
2010-09-21 15:22:00 -07:00
Andreas Huber
am 87d208f7: Merge "This log message is codec specific." into gingerbread
Merge commit '87d208f7ea7d8fc518d1403aae6d1ba1833bff13' into gingerbread-plus-aosp
* commit '87d208f7ea7d8fc518d1403aae6d1ba1833bff13':
This log message is codec specific.
2010-09-21 15:20:38 -07:00
Andreas Huber
am 67738486: Merge "Remove stagefright foundation\'s incompatible logging interface and update callsites." into gingerbread
Merge commit '67738486d9d1bdc2e6fb0c04698fd74de689acbc' into gingerbread-plus-aosp
* commit '67738486d9d1bdc2e6fb0c04698fd74de689acbc':
Remove stagefright foundation's incompatible logging interface and update callsites.
2010-09-21 15:17:42 -07:00
Andreas Huber
Merge "This log message is codec specific." into gingerbread
2010-09-21 15:17:04 -07:00
Andreas Huber
Merge "Remove stagefright foundation's incompatible logging interface and update callsites." into gingerbread
2010-09-21 15:14:43 -07:00
Kenny Root
am c1558df7: am 34d3aeaf: Merge "Add image creator helper script for OBBs" into gingerbread
Merge commit 'c1558df7778ec5bf9be5ecee9395d4684b6948e2'
* commit 'c1558df7778ec5bf9be5ecee9395d4684b6948e2':
Add image creator helper script for OBBs
2010-09-21 15:11:09 -07:00
Steve Howard
am 8bf158f6: am 34a7f080: Merge "Un-@hide ability to download without a running notification." into gingerbread
Merge commit '8bf158f6ba31efd2f262fc3ba6cdd13733c7d99e'
* commit '8bf158f6ba31efd2f262fc3ba6cdd13733c7d99e':
Un-@hide ability to download without a running notification.
2010-09-21 15:07:15 -07:00
Kenny Root
am 34d3aeaf: Merge "Add image creator helper script for OBBs" into gingerbread
Merge commit '34d3aeaf7f5dd744f46220f7730913468256ae9c' into gingerbread-plus-aosp
* commit '34d3aeaf7f5dd744f46220f7730913468256ae9c':
Add image creator helper script for OBBs
2010-09-21 15:06:08 -07:00
Steve Howard
am 34a7f080: Merge "Un-@hide ability to download without a running notification." into gingerbread
Merge commit '34a7f0807ee93eaefe83a9192ebc774fb1560875' into gingerbread-plus-aosp
* commit '34a7f0807ee93eaefe83a9192ebc774fb1560875':
Un-@hide ability to download without a running notification.
2010-09-21 15:02:53 -07:00
Kenny Root
Merge "Add image creator helper script for OBBs" into gingerbread
2010-09-21 15:00:30 -07:00
Steve Howard
Merge "Un-@hide ability to download without a running notification." into gingerbread
2010-09-21 14:58:05 -07:00
Wink Saville
Merge "Cleanup copyright dates add missing method."
2010-09-21 14:55:16 -07:00
Amith Yamasani
Merge "Make the breadcrumbs touchable for navigation."
2010-09-21 14:51:03 -07:00
Adam Powell
am f38c7e75: am 1e646b55: Merge "Add mdpi text select anchor asset" into gingerbread
Merge commit 'f38c7e7531de2c3084fcf302d53e4544a4c1561d'
* commit 'f38c7e7531de2c3084fcf302d53e4544a4c1561d':
Add mdpi text select anchor asset
2010-09-21 14:43:16 -07:00
Mindy Pereira
am 447c677e: (-s ours) am 1139b326: Merge "DO NOT MERGE Tweaked EdgeGlow to better match user expectations." into gingerbread
Merge commit '447c677e97e90344881371ecef1ec8aca1b3acc0'
* commit '447c677e97e90344881371ecef1ec8aca1b3acc0':
DO NOT MERGE Tweaked EdgeGlow to better match user expectations.
2010-09-21 14:43:06 -07:00
Vasu Nori
Merge "bring database code in master for 'adb bugreport' in sync with ginger"
2010-09-21 14:39:44 -07:00
Shimeng (Simon) Wang
Merge "Make the reading level scale at least 0.5f apart from overview level."
2010-09-21 14:37:49 -07:00
Doug Zongker
Merge "recovery just takes a filename as an argument now"
2010-09-21 14:18:36 -07:00
Adam Powell
am 1e646b55: Merge "Add mdpi text select anchor asset" into gingerbread
Merge commit '1e646b55a5fd8c4f88d22a53b4b922f16ab0bfc0' into gingerbread-plus-aosp
* commit '1e646b55a5fd8c4f88d22a53b4b922f16ab0bfc0':
Add mdpi text select anchor asset
2010-09-21 14:09:02 -07:00
Mindy Pereira
am 1139b326: Merge "DO NOT MERGE Tweaked EdgeGlow to better match user expectations." into gingerbread
Merge commit '1139b326d2cf95e2917ed23d79f795d64379d188' into gingerbread-plus-aosp
* commit '1139b326d2cf95e2917ed23d79f795d64379d188':
DO NOT MERGE Tweaked EdgeGlow to better match user expectations.
2010-09-21 14:08:55 -07:00
Adam Powell
Merge "Add mdpi text select anchor asset" into gingerbread
2010-09-21 14:04:13 -07:00
Mindy Pereira
Merge "DO NOT MERGE Tweaked EdgeGlow to better match user expectations." into gingerbread
2010-09-21 14:04:00 -07:00
Chet Haase
am 458c1383: (-s ours) am e920477e: Merge "do not merge" into gingerbread
Merge commit '458c1383ea0e672473feabf1852cee4dbca7211d'
* commit '458c1383ea0e672473feabf1852cee4dbca7211d':
do not merge
2010-09-21 13:49:39 -07:00
Chet Haase
am e920477e: Merge "do not merge" into gingerbread
Merge commit 'e920477e862b90778cdc8e2e221a20d8f3a86878' into gingerbread-plus-aosp
* commit 'e920477e862b90778cdc8e2e221a20d8f3a86878':
do not merge
2010-09-21 13:46:05 -07:00
Chet Haase
Merge "do not merge" into gingerbread
2010-09-21 13:42:56 -07:00
Steve Howard
am f1166513: am ff0ea5ea: Merge "Support for download manager "queue for wifi" dialogs" into gingerbread
Merge commit 'f1166513f596c4ffad41429b10ba1d20c65f6d6c'
* commit 'f1166513f596c4ffad41429b10ba1d20c65f6d6c':
Support for download manager "queue for wifi" dialogs
2010-09-21 13:12:56 -07:00
Irfan Sheriff
am d404a9be: (-s ours) am 0859b764: Make wifi scan async. (don\'t auto-merge)
Merge commit 'd404a9be14715efdea447ec4ed3e7677ab72e641'
* commit 'd404a9be14715efdea447ec4ed3e7677ab72e641':
Make wifi scan async. (don't auto-merge)
2010-09-21 13:10:30 -07:00
Gil Dobjanschi
Merge "Added the behavior paramter to transition constructors"
2010-09-21 13:09:49 -07:00
Steve Howard
am ff0ea5ea: Merge "Support for download manager "queue for wifi" dialogs" into gingerbread
Merge commit 'ff0ea5eaf13198d6d752bcfbcf8e1c96f568102f' into gingerbread-plus-aosp
* commit 'ff0ea5eaf13198d6d752bcfbcf8e1c96f568102f':
Support for download manager "queue for wifi" dialogs
2010-09-21 13:02:06 -07:00
Irfan Sheriff
am 0859b764: Make wifi scan async. (don\'t auto-merge)
Merge commit '0859b764719735e4b9aea5df6051ece13e212841' into gingerbread-plus-aosp
* commit '0859b764719735e4b9aea5df6051ece13e212841':
Make wifi scan async. (don't auto-merge)
2010-09-21 12:59:34 -07:00
Steve Howard
Merge "Support for download manager "queue for wifi" dialogs" into gingerbread
2010-09-21 12:49:36 -07:00
Vasu Nori
am b745ec95: (-s ours) am 173ea091: Merge "DO NOT MERGE - use appropriate names on SQL numbers in \'adb bugreport\'" into gingerbread
Merge commit 'b745ec954272a3c09cca354ad84e2e08b54c8544'
* commit 'b745ec954272a3c09cca354ad84e2e08b54c8544':
DO NOT MERGE - use appropriate names on SQL numbers in 'adb bugreport'
2010-09-21 12:30:12 -07:00
Vasu Nori
am 173ea091: Merge "DO NOT MERGE - use appropriate names on SQL numbers in \'adb bugreport\'" into gingerbread
Merge commit '173ea0912af296c6e80d14b764046534b316d21f' into gingerbread-plus-aosp
* commit '173ea0912af296c6e80d14b764046534b316d21f':
DO NOT MERGE - use appropriate names on SQL numbers in 'adb bugreport'
2010-09-21 12:25:39 -07:00
Vasu Nori
Merge "DO NOT MERGE - use appropriate names on SQL numbers in 'adb bugreport'" into gingerbread
2010-09-21 12:22:10 -07:00
Cary Clark
am 100cc263: (-s ours) am b5631f59: Merge "Do not merge : cancel text select mode when pressing back, etc." into gingerbread
Merge commit '100cc263b465242c01dc9eb280d77ffaadbddd39'
* commit '100cc263b465242c01dc9eb280d77ffaadbddd39':
Do not merge : cancel text select mode when pressing back, etc.
2010-09-21 11:54:51 -07:00
Cary Clark
am b5631f59: Merge "Do not merge : cancel text select mode when pressing back, etc." into gingerbread
Merge commit 'b5631f59d3b0411ed493dc382bb96ab15ca3304d' into gingerbread-plus-aosp
* commit 'b5631f59d3b0411ed493dc382bb96ab15ca3304d':
Do not merge : cancel text select mode when pressing back, etc.
2010-09-21 11:51:23 -07:00
Cary Clark
Merge "Do not merge : cancel text select mode when pressing back, etc." into gingerbread
2010-09-21 11:47:38 -07:00
James Dong
am 7e8a16e8: am d3c9fce3: Merge "Allow record to set input color format as a command line option" into gingerbread
Merge commit '7e8a16e884632c85a54dc351c0b4f79aea116237'
* commit '7e8a16e884632c85a54dc351c0b4f79aea116237':
Allow record to set input color format as a command line option
2010-09-21 11:41:16 -07:00