Gilles Debunne
Merge "EditText notifies the IME when a suggestion is picked."
2011-05-27 09:26:53 -07:00
Adam Powell
Merge "Sync holo button bar styles with UX."
2011-05-26 18:56:08 -07:00
Romain Guy
Merge "Remove extraneous log."
2011-05-26 18:49:30 -07:00
Romain Guy
Merge "Fix texture coordinates for sub-bitmap rendering."
2011-05-26 18:40:13 -07:00
Matthew Xie
Merge "Add wide band speech feature flag"
2011-05-26 18:13:08 -07:00
Romain Guy
am a33bb164: am 4686fb8a: Merge "DO NOT MERGE Correctly implement the CLEAR xfermode." into honeycomb-mr2
* commit 'a33bb164b2ac792d5bba76ba198fb052197fd520':
DO NOT MERGE Correctly implement the CLEAR xfermode.
2011-05-26 17:00:14 -07:00
Romain Guy
am 4686fb8a: Merge "DO NOT MERGE Correctly implement the CLEAR xfermode." into honeycomb-mr2
* commit '4686fb8ac8c88eb1f0d76fc4157be4cb5949e98e':
DO NOT MERGE Correctly implement the CLEAR xfermode.
2011-05-26 16:57:18 -07:00
Romain Guy
Merge "DO NOT MERGE Correctly implement the CLEAR xfermode." into honeycomb-mr2
2011-05-26 16:55:33 -07:00
Romain Guy
Merge "Correctly implement the CLEAR xfermode."
2011-05-26 16:43:26 -07:00
Jason Sams
Merge "Start splitting allocation into hal and core."
2011-05-26 16:37:09 -07:00
Huahui Wu
Merge "b/4452171 Dumping video playbacks to files."
2011-05-26 16:31:28 -07:00
Gilles Debunne
am 4ce6822b: am 24de44a1: Merge "ExternalStorageFormatter takes an optional StorageVolume target." into honeycomb-mr2
* commit '4ce6822bc63665ca3e9d9984766f367ce4f4d3a7':
ExternalStorageFormatter takes an optional StorageVolume target.
2011-05-26 15:50:13 -07:00
Adam Powell
Merge "Fix bug 4487948 - action bar tabs + configuration change = :("
2011-05-26 15:47:21 -07:00
Gilles Debunne
am 24de44a1: Merge "ExternalStorageFormatter takes an optional StorageVolume target." into honeycomb-mr2
* commit '24de44a1877be3e5d63697f90c98a87a4d88b1fb':
ExternalStorageFormatter takes an optional StorageVolume target.
2011-05-26 15:47:14 -07:00
Gilles Debunne
Merge "ExternalStorageFormatter takes an optional StorageVolume target." into honeycomb-mr2
2011-05-26 15:44:18 -07:00
Eric Fischer
Merge "Import revised translations."
2011-05-26 15:37:27 -07:00
Scott Main
am f18348b1: am a2272130: cherry pick Change-Id: Ia5ac228612569684a4ffc79ab3914442c15edfe2 docs: fix typo and slight revision
* commit 'f18348b1225926435ddfa505192a7462208be0ca':
cherry pick Change-Id: Ia5ac228612569684a4ffc79ab3914442c15edfe2 docs: fix typo and slight revision
2011-05-26 15:31:13 -07:00
Scott Main
am 70f45917: am f5d8ceae: cherry pick Change-Id: I58ae8210a17f76ff92ee9d064cf42fd4a81ad9b5 docs: fix markup and typos
* commit '70f4591762a0ca0fca71ebfe156a8916b0a9475c':
cherry pick Change-Id: I58ae8210a17f76ff92ee9d064cf42fd4a81ad9b5 docs: fix markup and typos
2011-05-26 15:31:10 -07:00
Scott Main
am b7cfc618: am 28fb09e0: cherry pick Change-Id: I183ff47e59617b2c17a92b876ca8c8bcc9b45262 docs: add document for the compatibility library
* commit 'b7cfc6181be090cc93d304a96e035f5a754085ae':
cherry pick Change-Id: I183ff47e59617b2c17a92b876ca8c8bcc9b45262 docs: add document for the compatibility library
2011-05-26 15:31:07 -07:00
Scott Main
am a2272130: cherry pick Change-Id: Ia5ac228612569684a4ffc79ab3914442c15edfe2 docs: fix typo and slight revision
* commit 'a22721301181fb995559d5badd9d286803a0ec86':
cherry pick Change-Id: Ia5ac228612569684a4ffc79ab3914442c15edfe2 docs: fix typo and slight revision
2011-05-26 15:26:28 -07:00
Scott Main
am f5d8ceae: cherry pick Change-Id: I58ae8210a17f76ff92ee9d064cf42fd4a81ad9b5 docs: fix markup and typos
* commit 'f5d8ceae68993e3af9905e58c8c6bdf90872880c':
cherry pick Change-Id: I58ae8210a17f76ff92ee9d064cf42fd4a81ad9b5 docs: fix markup and typos
2011-05-26 15:23:49 -07:00
Scott Main
am 28fb09e0: cherry pick Change-Id: I183ff47e59617b2c17a92b876ca8c8bcc9b45262 docs: add document for the compatibility library
* commit '28fb09e0b27a97e4664c9a31a3c72a067794b4c6':
cherry pick Change-Id: I183ff47e59617b2c17a92b876ca8c8bcc9b45262 docs: add document for the compatibility library
2011-05-26 15:21:34 -07:00
Adam Powell
am 47dae694: am 7eba403e: Merge "DO NOT MERGE - Fix bug 4489946 - Remove placeholder views for phones in smaller-screen decor layouts." into honeycomb-mr2
* commit '47dae694d7476e8a3de1e9b487b89e003b8440b1':
DO NOT MERGE - Fix bug 4489946 - Remove placeholder views for phones in smaller-screen decor layouts.
2011-05-26 14:14:50 -07:00
Kenny Root
am 5e34a194: am 1d8f8819: Merge "Break apart queries to getInstalled* API DO NOT MERGE" into honeycomb-mr2
* commit '5e34a1945a6b26dff5551a37627c5216b076d896':
Break apart queries to getInstalled* API DO NOT MERGE
2011-05-26 14:14:48 -07:00
Scott Main
am 101139cc: am c3123961: DO NOT MERGE cherry pick Change-Id: I67ef29f8ccc7b4a754ebb24efd96e9821e3d8662 docs: add accepted values for setting status bar visibility
* commit '101139cc8f5b975dfacf1a2ffd3bdae8e3907f65':
DO NOT MERGE cherry pick Change-Id: I67ef29f8ccc7b4a754ebb24efd96e9821e3d8662 docs: add accepted values for setting status bar visibility
2011-05-26 14:14:45 -07:00
Dianne Hackborn
am 0821f274: am 2a108403: I am a dummy.
* commit '0821f2745d05af98195c9c1c7889ca14e9c56e0b':
I am a dummy.
2011-05-26 14:14:41 -07:00
Dianne Hackborn
am d5238cc1: am 7a09f72b: Merge "Rework how we decide whether to use system or status bar." into honeycomb-mr2
* commit 'd5238cc1ab8366389b2aada228f2f2e5cbb3244e':
Rework how we decide whether to use system or status bar.
2011-05-26 14:14:35 -07:00
Eric Fischer
am 90856661: am 66fd9ab2: Merge "Import revised translations. DO NOT MERGE" into honeycomb-mr2
* commit '90856661cf07453a23c3737f421a4686b70d95c1':
Import revised translations. DO NOT MERGE
2011-05-26 14:14:31 -07:00
Adam Powell
am 7eba403e: Merge "DO NOT MERGE - Fix bug 4489946 - Remove placeholder views for phones in smaller-screen decor layouts." into honeycomb-mr2
* commit '7eba403e9a64f7153b7e5788902d4f799739158e':
DO NOT MERGE - Fix bug 4489946 - Remove placeholder views for phones in smaller-screen decor layouts.
2011-05-26 13:34:45 -07:00
Kenny Root
am 1d8f8819: Merge "Break apart queries to getInstalled* API DO NOT MERGE" into honeycomb-mr2
* commit '1d8f8819f1e98cdf3b7756396158613e95fe9eb6':
Break apart queries to getInstalled* API DO NOT MERGE
2011-05-26 13:34:42 -07:00
Scott Main
am c3123961: DO NOT MERGE cherry pick Change-Id: I67ef29f8ccc7b4a754ebb24efd96e9821e3d8662 docs: add accepted values for setting status bar visibility
* commit 'c31239616cca417e71acb98813df7eda645835df':
DO NOT MERGE cherry pick Change-Id: I67ef29f8ccc7b4a754ebb24efd96e9821e3d8662 docs: add accepted values for setting status bar visibility
2011-05-26 13:34:40 -07:00
Dianne Hackborn
am 2a108403: I am a dummy.
* commit '2a108403803bd30bee1c019060c208fb8c52c10c':
I am a dummy.
2011-05-26 13:34:37 -07:00
Dianne Hackborn
am 7a09f72b: Merge "Rework how we decide whether to use system or status bar." into honeycomb-mr2
* commit '7a09f72b8850ec22e4ca7fd50aba20ead7666f67':
Rework how we decide whether to use system or status bar.
2011-05-26 13:34:33 -07:00
Eric Fischer
am 66fd9ab2: Merge "Import revised translations. DO NOT MERGE" into honeycomb-mr2
* commit '66fd9ab236b3df85a32792caec41a2cd83622e28':
Import revised translations. DO NOT MERGE
2011-05-26 13:34:29 -07:00
Adam Powell
Merge "DO NOT MERGE - Fix bug 4489946 - Remove placeholder views for phones in smaller-screen decor layouts." into honeycomb-mr2
2011-05-26 13:26:33 -07:00
Kenny Root
Merge "Break apart queries to getInstalled* API DO NOT MERGE" into honeycomb-mr2
2011-05-26 13:10:23 -07:00
James Dong
Merge "Extract embedded cover art (aka poster frame) in mp4 files"
2011-05-26 12:00:51 -07:00
James Dong
am c004a0c9: am 05e13b9e: am c1ded373: Merge "Revert "Use pread() to get the decrypted data for container based DRM file."" into honeycomb-mr2
* commit 'c004a0c925ea2c9c48bbf9670d2ebf96f432c90a':
Revert "Use pread() to get the decrypted data for container based DRM file."
2011-05-26 11:41:30 -07:00
Jeff Brown
am a1a56bd0: (-s ours) am 6ef142a0: am b416e241: Fix bug reporting presence of orientation axis. (DO NOT MERGE)
* commit 'a1a56bd0e3d730edab327495acd5d90b10a6f1e4':
Fix bug reporting presence of orientation axis. (DO NOT MERGE)
2011-05-26 11:41:12 -07:00
Jeff Brown
am 23e620b3: (-s ours) am 53c3d5b1: am 325bd07b: Add tap/drag touchpad gesture. (DO NOT MERGE)
* commit '23e620b32f9c243e124309681b95fe228feb53b8':
Add tap/drag touchpad gesture. (DO NOT MERGE)
2011-05-26 11:40:46 -07:00
Jeff Brown
am 3c2fb024: (-s ours) am 8148cc3e: am 86ea1f5f: Initial checkin of spot presentation for touchpad gestures. (DO NOT MERGE)
* commit '3c2fb0242b0ec21101959dfa08aad3162a523634':
Initial checkin of spot presentation for touchpad gestures. (DO NOT MERGE)
2011-05-26 11:40:20 -07:00
Jeff Brown
am 13412d31: (-s ours) am e8dc05aa: am a6dbfdd3: Add a sprite controller. (DO NOT MERGE)
* commit '13412d31650366f41b1f3d9f429cb0a01dd575ef':
Add a sprite controller. (DO NOT MERGE)
2011-05-26 11:40:14 -07:00
Jeff Brown
am fbc67977: (-s ours) am d5358874: am 5ced76a1: Coalesce input events that arrive faster than 333Hz. (DO NOT MERGE)
* commit 'fbc67977aecfd94e8923e8eca3b859cd431c94b8':
Coalesce input events that arrive faster than 333Hz. (DO NOT MERGE)
2011-05-26 11:39:57 -07:00
Jeff Brown
am e79397df: (-s ours) am dd2534c2: am 7157f6fe: Allow batching samples onto the pending motion event. (DO NOT MERGE)
* commit 'e79397df614d2a489906c44df214a4ea5c49c043':
Allow batching samples onto the pending motion event. (DO NOT MERGE)
2011-05-26 11:39:46 -07:00
Jeff Brown
am da97f16c: (-s ours) am c5c7e047: am d0132e8e: Minor Alt-TAB / Recent Apps Dialog improvements. (DO NOT MERGE)
* commit 'da97f16c5d62d96c1b774a73da23bdc3e3e7b794':
Minor Alt-TAB / Recent Apps Dialog improvements. (DO NOT MERGE)
2011-05-26 11:39:35 -07:00
Jeff Brown
am b9b9b3e2: (-s ours) am 6f37a7f9: am eea0aa25: Support primitive ALT-TAB style navigation using Recent Apps. (DO NOT MERGE)
* commit 'b9b9b3e271ce33f71797d6795bcccb5d0bcd6292':
Support primitive ALT-TAB style navigation using Recent Apps. (DO NOT MERGE)
2011-05-26 11:39:29 -07:00
Dianne Hackborn
Merge "Rework how we decide whether to use system or status bar." into honeycomb-mr2
2011-05-26 11:39:22 -07:00
Jeff Brown
am 14c45e2e: (-s ours) am 16f1d2ca: am 36001a9f: Merge "Support chorded fallback keys. (DO NOT MERGE)" into honeycomb-mr2
* commit '14c45e2ef99bf87848a379879dbf8f4090799307':
Support chorded fallback keys. (DO NOT MERGE)
2011-05-26 11:39:22 -07:00
Jeff Brown
am 92693bce: (-s ours) am 32b7bcc8: am c2d200d4: Merge "Fix focused application handle. (DO NOT MERGE)" into honeycomb-mr2
* commit '92693bce936c1cdbfd9e1b81c4eaf1fe9cf5568e':
Fix focused application handle. (DO NOT MERGE)
2011-05-26 11:39:10 -07:00
Jeff Brown
am 54bd4cae: (-s ours) am 8ea6e641: am 266ea6b0: Merge "Optimize EventHub to process events in big chunks. (DO NOT MERGE)" into honeycomb-mr2
* commit '54bd4caeabc5daddfce56269949daccd8e7bf661':
Optimize EventHub to process events in big chunks. (DO NOT MERGE)
2011-05-26 11:38:58 -07:00