Merge commit 'd135b0937875b405a20f735189040d5cb4d2546d' into eclair
* commit 'd135b0937875b405a20f735189040d5cb4d2546d':
Fix broken build. (do not merge)
Merge commit '08905850084c501585fb0a89c346b1be6a103ca1' into eclair
* commit '08905850084c501585fb0a89c346b1be6a103ca1':
Add density support to layoutlib so that bitmap are scaled if needed.
Merge commit 'f05f92a24214f04c88ed3161a4cc684d70192cc1' into eclair
* commit 'f05f92a24214f04c88ed3161a4cc684d70192cc1':
Add density value to density enum.
Merge commit '59b30f6958f0460b59d050cde34aa863ec9b77c2' into eclair
* commit '59b30f6958f0460b59d050cde34aa863ec9b77c2':
Add a new IResourceValue that knows about the density.
Merge commit '91c6bdd20365a5c6d33986cb941aa085864d016e' into eclair-plus-aosp
* commit '91c6bdd20365a5c6d33986cb941aa085864d016e':
Simplify the layout of all activities with a title and a progress bar.
Merge commit '072c9e7473f4ff1a1b08ec08a906cc8308ed1c91' into eclair-plus-aosp
* commit '072c9e7473f4ff1a1b08ec08a906cc8308ed1c91':
Add more useful-for-debug info to 'dumpsys backup'
Merge commit '92f0370cf09ef835c72099864fe7c0e7b7389877' into eclair-plus-aosp
* commit '92f0370cf09ef835c72099864fe7c0e7b7389877':
Fix disabled text color in choice dialogs.
Merge commit '8bbba0e35b0dd5191c94b2aa039aa4eae0aecad0' into eclair-plus-aosp
* commit '8bbba0e35b0dd5191c94b2aa039aa4eae0aecad0':
Dont NPE if the thumbnail file cannot be opened.
Merge commit '277a41a771c56727ad7456dad23f964e9e3ed546' into eclair-plus-aosp
* commit '277a41a771c56727ad7456dad23f964e9e3ed546':
rebase layout test result as the numbers reported are much more stable now
Merge commit '6189fd98c063a0c7655066c0ae019051feb7d5aa' into eclair-plus-aosp
* commit '6189fd98c063a0c7655066c0ae019051feb7d5aa':
Telephony: Add a failure cause for CDMA call failures and rename
Merge commit '987477159fb003aaf70c7e3ef17c0830fa8fe39c' into eclair-plus-aosp
* commit '987477159fb003aaf70c7e3ef17c0830fa8fe39c':
Fix for 2137900: Be more conservative about poking the wakelock.
Merge commit '8eb0f348931c9185ae6a8f49964c904c42b2bb57' into eclair-plus-aosp
* commit '8eb0f348931c9185ae6a8f49964c904c42b2bb57':
Prevent NPE when doing a fillSpecific layout.
Merge commit 'de04cb810f47c679583767df78f8490d96d310d1' into eclair-plus-aosp
* commit 'de04cb810f47c679583767df78f8490d96d310d1':
Add Gservices flag for Vending doctor download complete timeout.
Merge commit 'b80fbd4479dccbd2f3ab9645b49e41ca4d10371f' into eclair-plus-aosp
* commit 'b80fbd4479dccbd2f3ab9645b49e41ca4d10371f':
New assets for the status and title bars.
Merge commit '57e31effa81bbc84ed0dee0864c0f6d69ed71561' into eclair-plus-aosp
* commit '57e31effa81bbc84ed0dee0864c0f6d69ed71561':
Fix#2101821: Cut labels of menu items in "SnapTell" market app.
Merge commit 'b91024c19c7c3182d926a199ad257b14513bb359' into eclair
* commit 'b91024c19c7c3182d926a199ad257b14513bb359':
Fix#2101821: Cut labels of menu items in "SnapTell" market app.
Merge commit 'ac35dc4716a448734493d939a1cb5af4d03cf41c' into eclair-plus-aosp
* commit 'ac35dc4716a448734493d939a1cb5af4d03cf41c':
Implement the checkin option in AccountManagerService.dump()
Merge commit 'd35afcda674eaa0222f0adbf8d712bde3a388a39' into eclair-plus-aosp
* commit 'd35afcda674eaa0222f0adbf8d712bde3a388a39':
border for the non-badge case
Merge commit 'c78b2bf474623eaa83ef517c4d648aa6595b8575' into eclair-plus-aosp
* commit 'c78b2bf474623eaa83ef517c4d648aa6595b8575':
New hdpi assets for framework.
Merge commit 'ab18206e209e1ef019c2837856ff53c635d3032f' into eclair-plus-aosp
* commit 'ab18206e209e1ef019c2837856ff53c635d3032f':
Fix the reporting of ActiveApnTypes on CDMA