
682 lines
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Raw Normal View History

* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* @author Dmitry A. Durnev, Michael Danilov
* @version $Revision$
package java.awt;
import java.util.EventObject;
import java.util.Hashtable;
import java.util.EventListener;
import java.awt.event.*;
* The abstract class AWTEvent is the base class for all AWT events. This class
* and its subclasses supersede the original java.awt.Event class.
* @since Android 1.0
public abstract class AWTEvent extends EventObject {
* The Constant serialVersionUID.
private static final long serialVersionUID = -1825314779160409405L;
* The Constant COMPONENT_EVENT_MASK indicates the event relates to a
* component.
public static final long COMPONENT_EVENT_MASK = 1;
* The Constant CONTAINER_EVENT_MASK indicates the event relates to a
* container.
public static final long CONTAINER_EVENT_MASK = 2;
* The Constant FOCUS_EVENT_MASK indicates the event relates to the focus.
public static final long FOCUS_EVENT_MASK = 4;
* The Constant KEY_EVENT_MASK indicates the event relates to a key.
public static final long KEY_EVENT_MASK = 8;
* The Constant MOUSE_EVENT_MASK indicates the event relates to the mouse.
public static final long MOUSE_EVENT_MASK = 16;
* The Constant MOUSE_MOTION_EVENT_MASK indicates the event relates to a
* mouse motion.
public static final long MOUSE_MOTION_EVENT_MASK = 32;
* The Constant WINDOW_EVENT_MASK indicates the event relates to a window.
public static final long WINDOW_EVENT_MASK = 64;
* The Constant ACTION_EVENT_MASK indicates the event relates to an action.
public static final long ACTION_EVENT_MASK = 128;
* The Constant ADJUSTMENT_EVENT_MASK indicates the event relates to an
* adjustment.
public static final long ADJUSTMENT_EVENT_MASK = 256;
* The Constant ITEM_EVENT_MASK indicates the event relates to an item.
public static final long ITEM_EVENT_MASK = 512;
* The Constant TEXT_EVENT_MASK indicates the event relates to text.
public static final long TEXT_EVENT_MASK = 1024;
* The Constant INPUT_METHOD_EVENT_MASK indicates the event relates to an
* input method.
public static final long INPUT_METHOD_EVENT_MASK = 2048;
* The Constant PAINT_EVENT_MASK indicates the event relates to a paint
* method.
public static final long PAINT_EVENT_MASK = 8192;
* The Constant INVOCATION_EVENT_MASK indicates the event relates to a
* method invocation.
public static final long INVOCATION_EVENT_MASK = 16384;
* The Constant HIERARCHY_EVENT_MASK indicates the event relates to a
* hierarchy.
public static final long HIERARCHY_EVENT_MASK = 32768;
* The Constant HIERARCHY_BOUNDS_EVENT_MASK indicates the event relates to
* hierarchy bounds.
public static final long HIERARCHY_BOUNDS_EVENT_MASK = 65536;
* The Constant MOUSE_WHEEL_EVENT_MASK indicates the event relates to the
* mouse wheel.
public static final long MOUSE_WHEEL_EVENT_MASK = 131072;
* The Constant WINDOW_STATE_EVENT_MASK indicates the event relates to a
* window state.
public static final long WINDOW_STATE_EVENT_MASK = 262144;
* The Constant WINDOW_FOCUS_EVENT_MASK indicates the event relates to a
* window focus.
public static final long WINDOW_FOCUS_EVENT_MASK = 524288;
* The Constant RESERVED_ID_MAX indicates the maximum value for reserved AWT
* event IDs.
public static final int RESERVED_ID_MAX = 1999;
* The Constant eventsMap.
private static final Hashtable<Integer, EventDescriptor> eventsMap = new Hashtable<Integer, EventDescriptor>();
* The converter.
private static EventConverter converter;
* The ID of the event.
protected int id;
* The consumed indicates whether or not the event is sent back down to the
* peer once the source has processed it (false means it's sent to the peer,
* true means it's not).
protected boolean consumed;
* The dispatched by kfm.
boolean dispatchedByKFM;
* The is posted.
transient boolean isPosted;
static {
eventsMap.put(new Integer(KeyEvent.KEY_TYPED), new EventDescriptor(KEY_EVENT_MASK,
eventsMap.put(new Integer(KeyEvent.KEY_PRESSED), new EventDescriptor(KEY_EVENT_MASK,
eventsMap.put(new Integer(KeyEvent.KEY_RELEASED), new EventDescriptor(KEY_EVENT_MASK,
eventsMap.put(new Integer(MouseEvent.MOUSE_CLICKED), new EventDescriptor(MOUSE_EVENT_MASK,
eventsMap.put(new Integer(MouseEvent.MOUSE_PRESSED), new EventDescriptor(MOUSE_EVENT_MASK,
eventsMap.put(new Integer(MouseEvent.MOUSE_RELEASED), new EventDescriptor(MOUSE_EVENT_MASK,
eventsMap.put(new Integer(MouseEvent.MOUSE_MOVED), new EventDescriptor(
MOUSE_MOTION_EVENT_MASK, MouseMotionListener.class));
eventsMap.put(new Integer(MouseEvent.MOUSE_ENTERED), new EventDescriptor(MOUSE_EVENT_MASK,
eventsMap.put(new Integer(MouseEvent.MOUSE_EXITED), new EventDescriptor(MOUSE_EVENT_MASK,
eventsMap.put(new Integer(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DRAGGED), new EventDescriptor(
MOUSE_MOTION_EVENT_MASK, MouseMotionListener.class));
eventsMap.put(new Integer(MouseEvent.MOUSE_WHEEL), new EventDescriptor(
MOUSE_WHEEL_EVENT_MASK, MouseWheelListener.class));
eventsMap.put(new Integer(ComponentEvent.COMPONENT_MOVED), new EventDescriptor(
COMPONENT_EVENT_MASK, ComponentListener.class));
eventsMap.put(new Integer(ComponentEvent.COMPONENT_RESIZED), new EventDescriptor(
COMPONENT_EVENT_MASK, ComponentListener.class));
eventsMap.put(new Integer(ComponentEvent.COMPONENT_SHOWN), new EventDescriptor(
COMPONENT_EVENT_MASK, ComponentListener.class));
eventsMap.put(new Integer(ComponentEvent.COMPONENT_HIDDEN), new EventDescriptor(
COMPONENT_EVENT_MASK, ComponentListener.class));
eventsMap.put(new Integer(FocusEvent.FOCUS_GAINED), new EventDescriptor(FOCUS_EVENT_MASK,
eventsMap.put(new Integer(FocusEvent.FOCUS_LOST), new EventDescriptor(FOCUS_EVENT_MASK,
eventsMap.put(new Integer(PaintEvent.PAINT), new EventDescriptor(PAINT_EVENT_MASK, null));
eventsMap.put(new Integer(PaintEvent.UPDATE), new EventDescriptor(PAINT_EVENT_MASK, null));
eventsMap.put(new Integer(WindowEvent.WINDOW_OPENED), new EventDescriptor(
WINDOW_EVENT_MASK, WindowListener.class));
eventsMap.put(new Integer(WindowEvent.WINDOW_CLOSING), new EventDescriptor(
WINDOW_EVENT_MASK, WindowListener.class));
eventsMap.put(new Integer(WindowEvent.WINDOW_CLOSED), new EventDescriptor(
WINDOW_EVENT_MASK, WindowListener.class));
eventsMap.put(new Integer(WindowEvent.WINDOW_DEICONIFIED), new EventDescriptor(
WINDOW_EVENT_MASK, WindowListener.class));
eventsMap.put(new Integer(WindowEvent.WINDOW_ICONIFIED), new EventDescriptor(
WINDOW_EVENT_MASK, WindowListener.class));
eventsMap.put(new Integer(WindowEvent.WINDOW_STATE_CHANGED), new EventDescriptor(
WINDOW_STATE_EVENT_MASK, WindowStateListener.class));
eventsMap.put(new Integer(WindowEvent.WINDOW_LOST_FOCUS), new EventDescriptor(
WINDOW_FOCUS_EVENT_MASK, WindowFocusListener.class));
eventsMap.put(new Integer(WindowEvent.WINDOW_GAINED_FOCUS), new EventDescriptor(
WINDOW_FOCUS_EVENT_MASK, WindowFocusListener.class));
eventsMap.put(new Integer(WindowEvent.WINDOW_DEACTIVATED), new EventDescriptor(
WINDOW_EVENT_MASK, WindowListener.class));
eventsMap.put(new Integer(WindowEvent.WINDOW_ACTIVATED), new EventDescriptor(
WINDOW_EVENT_MASK, WindowListener.class));
eventsMap.put(new Integer(HierarchyEvent.HIERARCHY_CHANGED), new EventDescriptor(
HIERARCHY_EVENT_MASK, HierarchyListener.class));
eventsMap.put(new Integer(HierarchyEvent.ANCESTOR_MOVED), new EventDescriptor(
HIERARCHY_BOUNDS_EVENT_MASK, HierarchyBoundsListener.class));
eventsMap.put(new Integer(HierarchyEvent.ANCESTOR_RESIZED), new EventDescriptor(
HIERARCHY_BOUNDS_EVENT_MASK, HierarchyBoundsListener.class));
eventsMap.put(new Integer(ContainerEvent.COMPONENT_ADDED), new EventDescriptor(
CONTAINER_EVENT_MASK, ContainerListener.class));
eventsMap.put(new Integer(ContainerEvent.COMPONENT_REMOVED), new EventDescriptor(
CONTAINER_EVENT_MASK, ContainerListener.class));
eventsMap.put(new Integer(InputMethodEvent.INPUT_METHOD_TEXT_CHANGED), new EventDescriptor(
INPUT_METHOD_EVENT_MASK, InputMethodListener.class));
eventsMap.put(new Integer(InputMethodEvent.CARET_POSITION_CHANGED), new EventDescriptor(
INPUT_METHOD_EVENT_MASK, InputMethodListener.class));
eventsMap.put(new Integer(InvocationEvent.INVOCATION_DEFAULT), new EventDescriptor(
eventsMap.put(new Integer(ItemEvent.ITEM_STATE_CHANGED), new EventDescriptor(
ITEM_EVENT_MASK, ItemListener.class));
eventsMap.put(new Integer(TextEvent.TEXT_VALUE_CHANGED), new EventDescriptor(
TEXT_EVENT_MASK, TextListener.class));
eventsMap.put(new Integer(ActionEvent.ACTION_PERFORMED), new EventDescriptor(
ACTION_EVENT_MASK, ActionListener.class));
eventsMap.put(new Integer(AdjustmentEvent.ADJUSTMENT_VALUE_CHANGED), new EventDescriptor(
ADJUSTMENT_EVENT_MASK, AdjustmentListener.class));
converter = new EventConverter();
* Instantiates a new AWT event from the specified Event object.
* @param event
* the Event object.
public AWTEvent(Event event) {
* Instantiates a new AWT event with the specified object and type.
* @param source
* the source Object.
* @param id
* the event's type.
public AWTEvent(Object source, int id) {
super(source); = id;
consumed = false;
* Gets the event's type.
* @return the event type ID.
public int getID() {
return id;
* Sets a new source for the AWTEvent.
* @param newSource
* the new source Object for the AWTEvent.
public void setSource(Object newSource) {
source = newSource;
* Returns a String representation of the AWTEvent.
* @return the String representation of the AWTEvent.
public String toString() {
* The format is based on 1.5 release behavior which can be revealed by
* the following code: AWTEvent event = new AWTEvent(new Component(){},
* 1){}; System.out.println(event);
String name = ""; //$NON-NLS-1$
if (source instanceof Component && (source != null)) {
Component comp = (Component)getSource();
name = comp.getName();
if (name == null) {
name = ""; //$NON-NLS-1$
return (getClass().getName() + "[" + paramString() + "]" //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
+ " on " + (name.length() > 0 ? name : source)); //$NON-NLS-1$
* Returns a string representation of the AWTEvent state.
* @return a string representation of the AWTEvent state.
public String paramString() {
// nothing to implement: all event types must override this method
return ""; //$NON-NLS-1$
* Checks whether or not this AWTEvent has been consumed.
* @return true, if this AWTEvent has been consumed, false otherwise.
protected boolean isConsumed() {
return consumed;
* Consumes the AWTEvent.
protected void consume() {
consumed = true;
* Convert AWTEvent object to a corresponding (deprecated) Event object.
* @return new Event object which is a converted AWTEvent object or null if
* the conversion is not possible
Event getEvent() {
if (id == ActionEvent.ACTION_PERFORMED) {
ActionEvent ae = (ActionEvent)this;
return converter.convertActionEvent(ae);
} else if (id == AdjustmentEvent.ADJUSTMENT_VALUE_CHANGED) {
AdjustmentEvent ae = (AdjustmentEvent)this;
return converter.convertAdjustmentEvent(ae);
// ???AWT
// } else if (id == ComponentEvent.COMPONENT_MOVED
// && source instanceof Window) {
// //the only type of Component events is COMPONENT_MOVED on window
// ComponentEvent ce = (ComponentEvent) this;
// return converter.convertComponentEvent(ce);
} else if (id >= FocusEvent.FOCUS_FIRST && id <= FocusEvent.FOCUS_LAST) {
// nothing to convert
// ???AWT
// } else if (id == ItemEvent.ITEM_STATE_CHANGED) {
// ItemEvent ie = (ItemEvent) this;
// return converter.convertItemEvent(ie);
} else if (id == KeyEvent.KEY_PRESSED || id == KeyEvent.KEY_RELEASED) {
KeyEvent ke = (KeyEvent)this;
return converter.convertKeyEvent(ke);
} else if (id >= MouseEvent.MOUSE_FIRST && id <= MouseEvent.MOUSE_LAST) {
MouseEvent me = (MouseEvent)this;
return converter.convertMouseEvent(me);
} else if (id == WindowEvent.WINDOW_CLOSING || id == WindowEvent.WINDOW_ICONIFIED
|| id == WindowEvent.WINDOW_DEICONIFIED) {
// nothing to convert
} else {
return null;
return new Event(source, id, null);
* The class EventDescriptor.
static final class EventDescriptor {
* The event mask.
final long eventMask;
* The listener type.
final Class<? extends EventListener> listenerType;
* Instantiates a new event descriptor.
* @param eventMask
* the event mask.
* @param listenerType
* the listener type.
EventDescriptor(long eventMask, Class<? extends EventListener> listenerType) {
this.eventMask = eventMask;
this.listenerType = listenerType;
* The class EventTypeLookup.
static final class EventTypeLookup {
* The last event.
private AWTEvent lastEvent = null;
* The last event descriptor.
private EventDescriptor lastEventDescriptor = null;
* Gets the event descriptor.
* @param event
* the event.
* @return the event descriptor.
EventDescriptor getEventDescriptor(AWTEvent event) {
synchronized (this) {
if (event != lastEvent) {
lastEvent = event;
lastEventDescriptor = eventsMap.get(new Integer(;
return lastEventDescriptor;
* Gets the event mask.
* @param event
* the event.
* @return the event mask.
long getEventMask(AWTEvent event) {
final EventDescriptor ed = getEventDescriptor(event);
return ed == null ? -1 : ed.eventMask;
* The class EventConverter.
static final class EventConverter {
* The constant OLD_MOD_MASK.
static final int OLD_MOD_MASK = Event.ALT_MASK | Event.CTRL_MASK | Event.META_MASK
* Convert action event.
* @param ae
* the ae.
* @return the event.
Event convertActionEvent(ActionEvent ae) {
Event evt = new Event(ae.getSource(), ae.getID(), ae.getActionCommand());
evt.when = ae.getWhen();
evt.modifiers = ae.getModifiers() & OLD_MOD_MASK;
* if (source instanceof Button) { arg = ((Button)
* source).getLabel(); } else if (source instanceof Checkbox) { arg
* = new Boolean(((Checkbox) source).getState()); } else if (source
* instanceof CheckboxMenuItem) { arg = ((CheckboxMenuItem)
* source).getLabel(); } else if (source instanceof Choice) { arg =
* ((Choice) source).getSelectedItem(); } else if (source instanceof
* List) { arg = ((List) source).getSelectedItem(); } else if
* (source instanceof MenuItem) { arg = ((MenuItem)
* source).getLabel(); } else if (source instanceof TextField) { arg
* = ((TextField) source).getText(); }
return evt;
* Convert adjustment event.
* @param ae
* the ae.
* @return the event.
Event convertAdjustmentEvent(AdjustmentEvent ae) {
return new Event(ae.source, + ae.getAdjustmentType() - 1, new Integer(ae
* Convert component event.
* @param ce
* the ce.
* @return the event.
Event convertComponentEvent(ComponentEvent ce) {
Component comp = ce.getComponent();
Event evt = new Event(comp, Event.WINDOW_MOVED, null);
evt.x = comp.getX();
evt.y = comp.getY();
return evt;
// ???AWT
* Event convertItemEvent(ItemEvent ie) { int oldId = +
* ie.getStateChange() - 1; Object source = ie.source; int idx = -1; if
* (source instanceof List) { List list = (List) source; idx =
* list.getSelectedIndex(); } else if (source instanceof Choice) {
* Choice choice = (Choice) source; idx = choice.getSelectedIndex(); }
* Object arg = idx >= 0 ? new Integer(idx) : null; return new
* Event(source, oldId, arg); }
* Convert key event.
* @param ke
* the ke.
* @return the event.
Event convertKeyEvent(KeyEvent ke) {
int oldId =;
// leave only old Event's modifiers
int mod = ke.getModifiers() & OLD_MOD_MASK;
Component comp = ke.getComponent();
char keyChar = ke.getKeyChar();
int keyCode = ke.getKeyCode();
int key = convertKey(keyChar, keyCode);
if (key >= Event.HOME && key <= Event.INSERT) {
oldId += 2; // non-ASCII key -> action key
return new Event(comp, ke.getWhen(), oldId, 0, 0, key, mod);
* Convert mouse event.
* @param me
* the me.
* @return the event.
Event convertMouseEvent(MouseEvent me) {
int id =;
if (id != MouseEvent.MOUSE_CLICKED) {
Event evt = new Event(me.source, id, null);
evt.x = me.getX();
evt.y = me.getY();
int mod = me.getModifiers();
// in Event modifiers mean button number for mouse events:
evt.modifiers = mod & (Event.ALT_MASK | Event.META_MASK);
if (id == MouseEvent.MOUSE_PRESSED) {
evt.clickCount = me.getClickCount();
return evt;
return null;
* Convert key.
* @param keyChar
* the key char.
* @param keyCode
* the key code.
* @return the int.
int convertKey(char keyChar, int keyCode) {
int key;
// F1 - F12
if (keyCode >= KeyEvent.VK_F1 && keyCode <= KeyEvent.VK_F12) {
key = Event.F1 + keyCode - KeyEvent.VK_F1;
} else {
switch (keyCode) {
default: // non-action key
key = keyChar;
// action keys:
case KeyEvent.VK_HOME:
key = Event.HOME;
case KeyEvent.VK_END:
key = Event.END;
case KeyEvent.VK_PAGE_UP:
key = Event.PGUP;
case KeyEvent.VK_PAGE_DOWN:
key = Event.PGDN;
case KeyEvent.VK_UP:
key = Event.UP;
case KeyEvent.VK_DOWN:
key = Event.DOWN;
case KeyEvent.VK_LEFT:
key = Event.LEFT;
case KeyEvent.VK_RIGHT:
key = Event.RIGHT;
key = Event.PRINT_SCREEN;
case KeyEvent.VK_SCROLL_LOCK:
key = Event.SCROLL_LOCK;
case KeyEvent.VK_CAPS_LOCK:
key = Event.CAPS_LOCK;
case KeyEvent.VK_NUM_LOCK:
key = Event.NUM_LOCK;
case KeyEvent.VK_PAUSE:
key = Event.PAUSE;
case KeyEvent.VK_INSERT:
key = Event.INSERT;
return key;