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2008-10-21 14:00:00 +00:00
* Copyright (C) 2007 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#define LOG_TAG "SurfaceFlinger"
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <utils/Errors.h>
#include <utils/Log.h>
#include <utils/StopWatch.h>
#include <ui/PixelFormat.h>
#include <ui/EGLDisplaySurface.h>
#include "LayerBuffer.h"
#include "SurfaceFlinger.h"
#include "VRamHeap.h"
#include "DisplayHardware/DisplayHardware.h"
namespace android {
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
const uint32_t LayerBuffer::typeInfo = LayerBaseClient::typeInfo | 0x20;
const char* const LayerBuffer::typeID = "LayerBuffer";
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
LayerBuffer::LayerBuffer(SurfaceFlinger* flinger, DisplayID display,
Client* client, int32_t i)
: LayerBaseClient(flinger, display, client, i),
mBuffer(0), mTextureName(-1U), mInvalidate(false), mNeedsBlending(false)
sp<SurfaceBuffer> s(getClientSurface());
if (s != 0) {
// this should always be called from the OpenGL thread
if (mTextureName != -1U) {
//glDeleteTextures(1, &mTextureName);
// to help debugging we set those to zero
mWidth = mHeight = 0;
bool LayerBuffer::needsBlending() const
Mutex::Autolock _l(mLock);
return mNeedsBlending;
void LayerBuffer::onDraw(const Region& clip) const
sp<Buffer> buffer(getBuffer());
if (UNLIKELY(buffer == 0)) {
// nothing to do, we don't have a buffer
status_t err = NO_ERROR;
NativeBuffer src(buffer->getBuffer());
const int can_use_copybit = canUseCopybit();
if (can_use_copybit) {
//StopWatch watch("MDP");
const int src_width = src.crop.r - src.crop.l;
const int src_height = src.crop.b - src.crop.t;
int W = mTransformedBounds.width();
int H = mTransformedBounds.height();
if (getOrientation() & Transform::ROT_90) {
int t(W); W=H; H=t;
/* With LayerBuffer, it is likely that we'll have to rescale the
* surface, because this is often used for video playback or
* camera-preview. Since we want these operation as fast as possible
* we make sure we can use the 2D H/W even if it doesn't support
* the requested scale factor, in which case we perform the scaling
* in several passes. */
copybit_device_t* copybit = mFlinger->getBlitEngine();
2008-10-21 14:00:00 +00:00
const float min = copybit->get(copybit, COPYBIT_MINIFICATION_LIMIT);
const float mag = copybit->get(copybit, COPYBIT_MAGNIFICATION_LIMIT);
float xscale = 1.0f;
if (src_width > W*min) xscale = 1.0f / min;
else if (src_width*mag < W) xscale = mag;
float yscale = 1.0f;
if (src_height > H*min) yscale = 1.0f / min;
else if (src_height*mag < H) yscale = mag;
if (UNLIKELY(xscale!=1.0f || yscale!=1.0f)) {
//LOGD("MDP scaling hack w=%d, h=%d, ww=%d, wh=%d, xs=%f, ys=%f",
// src_width, src_height, W, H, xscale, yscale);
if (UNLIKELY(mTemporaryDealer == 0)) {
// allocate a memory-dealer for this the first time
mTemporaryDealer = mFlinger->getSurfaceHeapManager()
2008-10-21 14:00:00 +00:00
const int tmp_w = floorf(src_width * xscale);
const int tmp_h = floorf(src_height * yscale);
err = mTempBitmap.setBits(tmp_w, tmp_h, 1, src.img.format);
if (LIKELY(err == NO_ERROR)) {
NativeBuffer tmp;
tmp.crop.l = 0;
tmp.crop.t = 0;
tmp.crop.r = tmp.img.w;
tmp.crop.b = tmp.img.h;
region_iterator tmp_it(Region(Rect(tmp.crop.r, tmp.crop.b)));
copybit->set_parameter(copybit, COPYBIT_TRANSFORM, 0);
copybit->set_parameter(copybit, COPYBIT_PLANE_ALPHA, 0xFF);
copybit->set_parameter(copybit, COPYBIT_DITHER, COPYBIT_DISABLE);
err = copybit->stretch(copybit,
&tmp.img, &src.img, &tmp.crop, &src.crop, &tmp_it);
src = tmp;
const DisplayHardware& hw(graphicPlane(0).displayHardware());
copybit_image_t dst;
const copybit_rect_t& drect
= reinterpret_cast<const copybit_rect_t&>(mTransformedBounds);
const State& s(drawingState());
region_iterator it(clip);
copybit->set_parameter(copybit, COPYBIT_TRANSFORM, getOrientation());
copybit->set_parameter(copybit, COPYBIT_PLANE_ALPHA, s.alpha);
copybit->set_parameter(copybit, COPYBIT_DITHER,
s.flags & ISurfaceComposer::eLayerDither ?
err = copybit->stretch(copybit,
&dst, &src.img, &drect, &src.crop, &it);
if (!can_use_copybit || err) {
if (UNLIKELY(mTextureName == -1LU)) {
mTextureName = createTexture();
GLuint w = 0;
GLuint h = 0;
GGLSurface t;
t.version = sizeof(GGLSurface);
t.width = src.crop.r;
t.height = src.crop.b;
t.stride = src.img.w;
t.vstride= src.img.h;
t.format = src.img.format; = (GGLubyte*)(intptr_t(src.img.base) + src.img.offset);
const Region dirty(Rect(t.width, t.height));
loadTexture(dirty, mTextureName, t, w, h);
drawWithOpenGL(clip, mTextureName, t);
void LayerBuffer::invalidateLocked()
mInvalidate = true;
void LayerBuffer::invalidate()
Mutex::Autolock _l(mLock);
void LayerBuffer::unlockPageFlip(const Transform& planeTransform,
Region& outDirtyRegion)
Mutex::Autolock _l(mLock);
if (mInvalidate) {
mInvalidate = false;
sp<LayerBuffer::SurfaceBuffer> LayerBuffer::getClientSurface() const
Mutex::Autolock _l(mLock);
return mClientSurface.promote();
sp<LayerBaseClient::Surface> LayerBuffer::getSurface() const
sp<SurfaceBuffer> s;
Mutex::Autolock _l(mLock);
s = mClientSurface.promote();
if (s == 0) {
s = new SurfaceBuffer(clientIndex(),
const_cast<LayerBuffer *>(this));
mClientSurface = s;
return s;
status_t LayerBuffer::registerBuffers(int w, int h, int hstride, int vstride,
PixelFormat format, const sp<IMemoryHeap>& memoryHeap)
if (memoryHeap == NULL) {
// this is allowed, but in this case, it is illegal to receive
// postBuffer(). The surface just erases the framebuffer with
// fully transparent pixels.
mWidth = w;
mHeight = h;
mNeedsBlending = false;
return NO_ERROR;
status_t err = (memoryHeap->heapID() >= 0) ? NO_ERROR : NO_INIT;
2008-10-21 14:00:00 +00:00
if (err != NO_ERROR)
return err;
// TODO: validate format/parameters
Mutex::Autolock _l(mLock);
mHeap = memoryHeap;
mWidth = w;
mHeight = h;
mHStride = hstride;
mVStride = vstride;
mFormat = format;
PixelFormatInfo info;
getPixelFormatInfo(format, &info);
mNeedsBlending = (info.h_alpha - info.l_alpha) > 0;
return NO_ERROR;
void LayerBuffer::postBuffer(ssize_t offset)
sp<IMemoryHeap> heap;
int w, h, hs, vs, f;
{ // scope for the lock
Mutex::Autolock _l(mLock);
w = mWidth;
h = mHeight;
hs= mHStride;
vs= mVStride;
f = mFormat;
heap = mHeap;
sp<Buffer> buffer;
if (heap != 0) {
buffer = new Buffer(heap, offset, w, h, hs, vs, f);
if (buffer->getStatus() != NO_ERROR)
void LayerBuffer::unregisterBuffers()
Mutex::Autolock _l(mLock);
sp<Overlay> LayerBuffer::createOverlay(uint32_t w, uint32_t h, int32_t format)
sp<Overlay> result;
Mutex::Autolock _l(mLock);
if (mHeap != 0 || mBuffer != 0) {
// we're a push surface. error.
return result;
overlay_device_t* overlay_dev = mFlinger->getOverlayEngine();
if (overlay_dev == NULL) {
// overlays not supported
return result;
overlay_t* overlay = overlay_dev->createOverlay(overlay_dev, w, h, format);
if (overlay == NULL) {
// couldn't create the overlay (no memory? no more overlays?)
return result;
/* TODO: implement the real stuff here */
return result;
2008-10-21 14:00:00 +00:00
sp<LayerBuffer::Buffer> LayerBuffer::getBuffer() const
Mutex::Autolock _l(mLock);
return mBuffer;
void LayerBuffer::setBuffer(const sp<LayerBuffer::Buffer>& buffer)
Mutex::Autolock _l(mLock);
mBuffer = buffer;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
LayerBuffer::SurfaceBuffer::SurfaceBuffer(SurfaceID id, LayerBuffer* owner)
: LayerBaseClient::Surface(id, owner->getIdentity()), mOwner(owner)
mOwner = 0;
status_t LayerBuffer::SurfaceBuffer::registerBuffers(
int w, int h, int hs, int vs,
PixelFormat format, const sp<IMemoryHeap>& heap)
LayerBuffer* owner(getOwner());
if (owner)
return owner->registerBuffers(w, h, hs, vs, format, heap);
return NO_INIT;
void LayerBuffer::SurfaceBuffer::postBuffer(ssize_t offset)
LayerBuffer* owner(getOwner());
if (owner)
void LayerBuffer::SurfaceBuffer::unregisterBuffers()
LayerBuffer* owner(getOwner());
if (owner)
sp<Overlay> LayerBuffer::SurfaceBuffer::createOverlay(
uint32_t w, uint32_t h, int32_t format) {
sp<Overlay> result;
LayerBuffer* owner(getOwner());
if (owner)
result = owner->createOverlay(w, h, format);
return result;
2008-10-21 14:00:00 +00:00
void LayerBuffer::SurfaceBuffer::disown()
Mutex::Autolock _l(mLock);
mOwner = 0;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
LayerBuffer::Buffer::Buffer(const sp<IMemoryHeap>& heap, ssize_t offset,
int w, int h, int hs, int vs, int f)
: mCount(0), mHeap(heap)
NativeBuffer& src(mNativeBuffer);
src.crop.l = 0;
src.crop.t = 0;
src.crop.r = w;
src.crop.b = h;
src.img.w = hs ?: w;
src.img.h = vs ?: h;
src.img.format = f;
src.img.offset = offset;
src.img.base = heap->base();
src.img.fd = heap->heapID();
// FIXME: make sure this buffer lies within the heap, in which case, set
// mHeap to null
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
}; // namespace android